RC Car Action



In touring cars, take care of your tires. Don’t overheat them by pushing hard. Smooth is fast.

Don’t be afraid to ask pro drivers for help. They’re often available through social media, so access to them is easier then ever.

You can look at setup sheets online when going to a new track. Check out what pros and especially the fast locals are running and what they are doing to their cars. Find out how they are preparing their tires and their setups, and how they gear their motors.

The key to success is repetition. It’s important to prep your car the same way every time—how you prepare your tires, and how you set the car’s tweak. Get a routine and do the same thing every time. That way you will have the same car every time you hit the track. You’re trying to hit the same line on the track, so have the same mentality with your car.

Come well prepared to a race. Do a lot of your prep work before and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and stress at the track. Stuff like preparing bodies and tires are time-consuming and should be done ahead of time at home.

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