Rockford Register Star

Not enough, Mr. Rilott, not enough


Arguing with Mr. Rilott reminds me of the story about the futility of mud wrestling with pigs.

We live in the now. For women of child bearing age now is dangerous territory and will remain so as long as they are denied full autonomy over their reproducti­ve lives.

Women who elect to end pregnancie­s do not do so on a whim. They do it because the cards are stacked against them.

Subsidized child care and paid family leave, among other services enjoyed by women in other developed nations are denied them here. Add to that the perils of an incomplete education, unstable employment, shaky personal relationsh­ips and the perils of an unplanned pregnancy become insurmount­able.

For too many, having a child when you are not prepared can mean a lifetime of poverty, violence and struggle in this country.

The maternal mortality rate in the US is the highest in the developed world and has been for the last two decades. In this regard we are on par with Lebanon and Malaysia according to UNICEF and World Health Organizati­on statistics for 2020.

Broadly speaking, the rate of abortion is about the same whether legal or not. However, abortion rates are lower in nations with universal healthcare.

Making criminals of providers and pregnant women is the province of religious zealots and dictators and not in keeping with the best aspiration­s of this society.

Crisis pregnancy centers offer little besides guilt laden persuasion along with side orders of diapers and misinforma­tion. Not enough, Mr. Rilott, not enough.

Gaen McClendon, member of the Winnebago County Citizens for Choice

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