Rome News-Tribune

Obama turns blind-eye on chance to secure true energy independen­ce

- By Jack Gerard Tribune News Service

For decades, U.S. presidents have made achieving American energy security a top priority. Now, thanks to the nation’s historic energy resurgence, we finally have the capability to make good on the promise. But the Obama Administra­tion is turning a blind eye to the once-in-ageneratio­n opportunit­ies before us.

The failure to approve the Keystone XL pipeline is a symbol of a national energy policy headed in the wrong direction. The pipeline represents a major leap forward for energy security, adding 830,000 barrels of oil per day to our supply.

Seven years of exhaustive study and five positive reviews from the State Department demonstrat­e beyond all reasonable doubt that Keystone XL would be safe for the environmen­t.

If that’s not enough, look to the original Keystone pipeline, which recently delivered its one billionth barrel of oil.

Unlike Keystone XL, the first leg of the Keystone system wasn’t turned into a political football. It received a presidenti­al permit in less than two years and has been safely operating for five.

Since then, the Keystone system has contribute­d almost $200 million in property taxes and generated 14,000 constructi­on jobs in 11 states and provinces. The economic impact of the Keystone XL expansion would be even greater — supporting 42,000 jobs that would put $2 billion in workers’ pockets.

But all that is being held hostage in the interests of placating a small minority of protestors who are vastly outnumbere­d by the strong, bipartisan majority of voters who want to build Keystone XL.

American workers are also missing out because of the nation’s outdated export policies. Banning crude exports might have made sense in the wake of the 1970s oil embargo. But now that the United States leads the world in oil and natural gas production, it’s become a costly relic.

A recent Harvard Business School study found that lifting export restrictio­ns could add $23 billion to the GDP and around 125,000 new U.S. jobs by 2030. Numerous studies project that allowing crude exports will result in lower gasoline prices for American drivers by further stabilizin­g world crude supply.

Security leaders from both political parties agree that crude exports can enhance America’s national security.

Leon Panetta, CIA director and secretary of defense under President Obama, and Stephen Hadley, national security adviser under President George W. Bush, joined forces for an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal stating, “The moment has come for the U.S. to deploy its oil and gas in support of its security interests around the world.”

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