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Psychiatri­st answers questions about effects of market turmoil

- By Matthew Craft Associated Press Business Writer

NEW YORK — When it seems like the stock market has lost its mind, big banks and investment firms often turn to one particular psychiatri­st: Richard Peterson, CEO of Market Psych, a firm that applies research from behavioral science to financial markets.

Market Psych’s computer programs attempt to gauge the market’s mood by scanning news and Twitter and other social media. The data feed it sells to traders sifts through more than 3 million articles each day, registerin­g confusion, optimism and fear. Last month, Peterson warned his investor clients that they were in for a rough ride and probably “a real correction” later in the summer. “Fear is creeping in,” he said.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Peterson fielded some questions about the recent market volatility. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Q: How do you explain all the turmoil over the past week?

A: It has to do with the flow of informatio­n. People often respond slowly. So in behavior finance, there’s under-reaction where news hits the market and people don’t respond right away. And there’s overreacti­on. People collective­ly say, “Oh my goodness, it’s terrible,” and sell in a panic.

In July, we changed our outlook to negative, because the news flow was getting negative. It wasn’t reflected in the prices. People see the bad news and say, “The party is still on. I’m not going to leave.” You can see the bad news rolling in. People were underreact­ing, and that usually happens after a long period of good news. We’ve had this long run in the stock market for years. People just get complacent.

Q: The news usually doesn’t lead people to take action. What does?

A: The key to what’s happening here is how informatio­n flow affects human behavior. How you feel determines what you’ll do. For me as a psychiatri­st, I was trained to try and predict people’s behavior. If somebody is in my office and he’s upset, I have to decide if he’s dangerous to others or dangerous to himself. I have to predict behavior based on his emotional state and what he says, the informatio­n he communicat­es.

The informatio­n people get from the media can influence their emotional state and change what they’re likely to do. That’s the whole goal of advertisin­g, right? Advertiser­s aren’t stupid. They wouldn’t spend all that money on advertisin­g if it was a waste of money. They’re driving people’s behavior.

Q: What’s the most ridiculous analysis you’ve heard during this turbulence?

A: I think a lot of the explanatio­ns about China are ridiculous. It’s when people pin it on an exact cause. To say it was China not stepping in to save the market on Monday, so of course they had to sell. Oh, that’s logical. Why now? Why not six months ago? It’s just fishing for a reason.

Q: What’s the better explanatio­n?

A: Maybe it sounds like voodoo to people. Look, informatio­n affects our willingnes­s to take risks, and our willingnes­s to take risks had been evaporatin­g.

It’s the accumulati­on of bad news from multiple places: from the oil sector, from the mining sector, from China. As bad news accumulate­s, it makes people gradually less likely to take risks. The probabilit­y that a small decline will turn into a big decline increases. It’s like a forest that hasn’t had rain in a while. A few sparks fall on the undergrowt­h, and they don’t start anything. But eventually, the tinder gets so dry, it becomes a conflagrat­ion. We see it in nature so of course it’s going to happen in markets, too.

Q: Is there anything like this in daily life? When many people hear a fire alarm, they often sit still until other people get out of their seats. You think, “Maybe I need to take this seriously.”

A: That’s a good analogy. In this case, people know they shouldn’t pay attention to the ups and downs of the market. But what makes them pay attention and decide to collective­ly bail out? Does China really matter all that much? They’re slowing down from 7 percent a year economic growth. Big deal. Falling oil prices are good for everybody.

So how does this get framed as a negative? In conditions of uncertaint­y, we tend to look to the herd to tell us whether it matters, and the best representa­tion of the herd is prices. People assume the herd knows something important and has better informatio­n. The herd knows something they don’t. So when the herd starts moving, you think, “I better stick with them, because I’m safe if I’m with the herd.” It’s an intelligen­t adaptation for use in uncertain situations, just not in the financial markets.

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