Rome News-Tribune

Sheriff, Board of Education and Superior Court Clerk candidates answer, “What sets you apart as the best person for the position?”


Name: George Bevels (I) Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 5

Political Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired from General Electric

After 27 years, I have seen most everything that can happen in a school system. I took the informatio­n provided me and made the best decisions I could.

Name: Melinda Strickland Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 2

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Retired, Floyd County Schools

I’ve dedicated 31 years to serving students in Floyd County as a teacher, coach and administra­tor. I am chair of MHS Local School Governance Team.

Name: Joyce Mink Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 5

Political Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired social studies teacher

After 29 years in the classroom, I have a clear understand­ing of what teachers want and need to do a good job with our students.

Name: Jay Shell (I) Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 3

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Owner of Brewhouse Music & Grill

I am married to a 15-year educator in our system. I have two children in our schools. I have a lot of business experience and understand budgets.

Name: Keith Hester Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 2

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Engineerin­g manager at AT&T

I bring a business-minded approach to the board. I am used to working with a team and collaborat­ing to reach the best outcome possible.

Name: David Tucker Office sought: Floyd County School Board, District 3

Political Party: Republican

Occupation: Teacher of educationa­l administra­tion and school curriculum at Berry

I served Floyd County Schools as teacher, coach, and principal. I have received extensive training in all dimensions of board duties and responsibi­lities.

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