Rome News-Tribune

NRA renews push to dismantle state, local gun-control laws

- From Los Angeles Times

The extremely powerful but highly irresponsi­ble National Rifle Associatio­n spent $30 million this year helping elect Donald J. Trump and $10 million more backing six progun Senate candidates (five of whom won). Trump, in turn, said during the campaign that he was proud of the organizati­on’s endorsemen­t, spoke forcefully in favor of expanded gun ownership and promised to “save” the Second Amendment.

From the organizati­on’s point of view, that was money well spent. But from a public safety standpoint, well, look out.

NRA president Wayne LaPierre has already released a statement trumpeting the victory, praising gun owners for making it possible and calling for a renewed push to dismantle state and local gun-control laws. “Our time is now,” LaPierre said. “This is our historic moment to go on offense.”

At the top of LaPierre’s wish list is an absurd and dangerous federal law to require any state that issues permits for carrying concealed weapons to recognize similar permits issued by other states, even if they have different eligibilit­y and training requiremen­ts and less stringent restrictio­ns on gun ownership. Proponents of so-called concealed-carried reciprocit­y equate it with state driver’s licenses, which are recognized nationwide. But that’s a false comparison. All states follow similar standards for issuing driver’s licenses, and basic vehicle and traffic laws are largely standardiz­ed. That’s not so for gun laws, which vary widely by state, not to mention that county and city government­s are allowed to enact their own restrictio­ns based on local needs and preference­s.

The reciprocit­y movement is nothing more than an effort to drive states’ concealed-carry laws to the lowest common denominato­r. Consider Utah, for instance. To qualify for a Utah permit, which is available to nonresiden­ts and is already accepted by 36 other states, one need only be 21 years old, not be ineligible under federal laws (no felony conviction or history of drug and alcohol abuse, for instance) and complete a Utah-certified Weapons Familiarit­y course, which can be taken out of state. In fact, Utah has certified 169 instructor­s just in California. Utah’s limited restrictio­ns have made the issuance of concealed-carry permits something of a cottage industry for the state. Two-thirds of Utah’s 632,276 permits as of the end of last year were in the hands of nonresiden­ts.

By comparison, California — with 33 times Utah’s population — has only 79,834 active concealed-carry permits, according to the state attorney general’s office. Among other things, California has a more stringent training regimen and requires a person seeking a permit to show good-cause for needing to carry a concealed weapon.

A federal reciprocit­y law could potentiall­y require California to recognize concealed-carry permits issued in Utah and other states, which it chooses not to do. A California resident could simply apply for a permit from Utah and start walking around Los Angeles with a hidden handgun, no matter what California voters and lawmakers say.

Four bills — one in the Senate and the rest in the House — would create such a law and are likely to be reintroduc­ed in January. Trump backs the concept. They could become law. That would be a disaster for public safety and a cynical usurpation of the long-standing right of states to determine their own gun laws.

Whether a federal reciprocit­y law could withstand a constituti­onal challenge will depend on its final wording. Congress has the authority to preempt state laws to regulate interstate commerce, but it’s unclear whether that would apply to a law ordering states to recognize gun permits issued elsewhere, since that isn’t a matter of interstate commerce. In its 2008 Heller decision (which we think was wrongly decided), the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment confers on individual­s the right to own a gun for protection in the home. But it also recognized the rights of lower-level government­s to regulate guns, and since then has declined to hear appeals of lower court rulings upholding local and state gun regulation­s, including those barring carrying weapons, concealed or otherwise, outside the home.

But we can’t be confident the Supreme Court will continue to defer to the states. Reasonable minds in Congress need to head this off before the NRA and its legislativ­e acolytes make American even more dangerous by undercutti­ng reasonable gun controls. Dave Granlund, politicalc­

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