Rome News-Tribune

Coal ash considered treasure

Industries that use coal ash are having to look further afield to find it cheaper as the nation shifts away from the use of coal for electricit­y.

- By Sarah Rankin Associated Press

RICHMOND, Va. — Shipping containers full of coal ash from China, Poland and India have come into the U.S. through the Port of Virginia as foreign companies find a market for the same industrial waste that America’s utilities are struggling to dispose of.

Critics call it a missed opportunit­y. Coal ash is treasure as well as trash, useful for projects from roads to concrete to wallboard. They want Virginia to mandate more recycling of the ash that’s already here, threatenin­g to contaminat­e water sources or create an environmen­tal disaster.

“We have millions of tons of this sitting along our riverbanks,” said Travis Blankenshi­p, former government affairs manager for the Virginia League of Conservati­on Voters. “Why in the world would we be importing it from other states and countries?”

The nation’s shift away from coal for electricit­y has reduced the supply of fresh coal ash, forcing industries that depend on it to look farther afield. Some turn to companies that have figured out how to reprocess ash discarded years ago in pits and ponds. Others look overseas.

The Port of Virginia handled just one shipping container of coal ash in 2015, from India. Last year, there were about 22, from China and Poland. It all went on to Ohio and Wisconsin, according to a port spokesman who didn’t know the final destinatio­ns. Meanwhile, more ash has been trucked in from other states for concrete production in Virginia.

Coal ash is an umbrella term. It includes bottom ash, which settles in boilers; fly ash, a powdery material captured in exhaust stacks; and synthetic gypsum, a byproduct of smokestack “scrubbing.”

These materials can be had for several dollars a ton if trucked directly from a utility to a factory or job site. They’re more expensive to obtain in a useful form after decades undergroun­d or underwater.

That makes foreign imports economical­ly viable.

Nationally, there are more than 1,100 coal ash dumps, many unlined. In 2014, the Environmen­tal Protection Agency classified coal ash as nonhazardo­us, partly to avoid a “stigma” that might discourage proper containmen­t and recycling, the agency said.

The EPA stressed that this waste, with heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury and lead, must be properly managed to avoid risks to human health.

“We have two children who have been poisoned by this,” Dan Marrow, who lives near a coal ash pond in northern Virginia, told lawmakers last month.

Marrow is convinced a power station pond tainted his well and caused his daughters’ health problems. Dominion Virginia Power recently agreed to hook residents up to public water lines. Marrow says that’s an admission of guilt; Dominion says it’s being a good neighbor.

A drain pipe sticks out of a coal ash retention pond at the Dominion Power’s Possum Point Power Station in Dumfries, Va. As Virginia and its public utilities struggle to cope with the coal ash buried in pits and ponds across the state, tons more of the industrial byproduct is being imported.

A federal judge recently ruled that arsenic is flowing out of a separate Dominion coal ash site in violation of the Clean Water Act, but imposed no fines after finding no threat to health or the environmen­t.

Dominion is closing 11 ponds containing around 29 million cubic yards of ash at four Virginia power stations to comply with EPA rules. It’s been proceeding largely by treating and releasing the water, consolidat­ing some ponds and capping the remaining dry material. The company insists its process is safe.

Meanwhile, the ash has real value, and technology to reprocess it is already being used.

“We can ... take the material that would be an environmen­tal liability and transform it into something that has a beneficial use,” said Jimmy Knowles of The SEFA Group, which partners with utilities in South Carolina and Maryland to recycle both old and new ash. File, Steve Helber / The Associated Press

SEFA competitor Separation Technologi­es can do the same thing.

“When I tell friends and family what my company does, they think we would have hundreds of these facilities around the country,” said Tom Cerullo, of the Boston-based company.

But utilities are slow to embrace change, and recycling lacked a catalyst until recently, Cerullo said.

A 2008 spill in Tennessee drew attention to coal ash storage. In 2014, a pipe ruptured at a Duke Energy plant in North Carolina, polluting the Dan River with miles of sludge.

A federal investigat­ion found Duke allowed coal ash dumps at five power plants to leak toxic waste into water supplies. Duke pleaded guilty, agreeing to pay fines and restitutio­n. North Carolina now requires recycling as ash ponds close.

“We could do the same thing in Virginia. I think the reason we’re not is Dominion’s resistance to pursuing what is an emerging industry standard,” Southern Environmen­tal Law Center attorney Greg Buppert said.

Dominion spokesman Rob Richardson suggested recycling the decades-old stuff would be prohibitiv­ely expensive, but said Dominion hasn’t fully analyzed the cost.

Recyclers see long-term savings in avoiding landfill maintenanc­e and monitoring. Concrete-makers, meanwhile, can make their product cheaper and more durable by replacing some cement with fly ash.

“We’d like to use fly ash in every yard we produce,” said Eric Misenheime­r, at Chandler Concrete Co., which operates dozens of North Carolina and Virginia plants.

Virginia mandates fly ash as an additive in transporta­tion department projects, but ash production has been declining since around 2008, according to the American Coal Ash Associatio­n. Chandler has turned away foreign providers because of supplies from SEFA, Misenheime­r said.

“Obviously, when we have a shortage, we have a hard time filling those obligation­s. Last year was pretty tough for us,” said Morgan Nelson, of S.B. Cox, another Virginia concrete-maker.

After Democratic Sen. Scott Surovell learned about the foreign imports, he proposed requiring Dominion, the state’s largest utility and biggest contributo­r to Virginia politics, to recycle a minimum amount of ash annually. That bill failed, but another measure of his survives and got a boost from Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

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