Rome News-Tribune

St. Mary’s makes annual trip to Nature’s Classroom

- Mark Stiles and Anna Jane Self, St. Mary’s School

Every year the sixth graders at Saint Mary’s go to Nature’s Classroom with the science teacher, Mrs. McCormick, and other teachers. Nature’s Classroom is a three-day long science-based field trip in Mentone, Alabama. The students stay in cabins, one cabin for the boys and one for the girls. The food there is delicious and there are options for vegetarian­s and people with serious allergies. Also, the students learn about food waste through a program called O.R.T. (Organic Recyclable Trash) where the staff instructs you to not waste food. If you do not waste any food for a certain amount of time you can get a silver or a gold plate which goes onto the ceiling of the cafeteria.

At Nature’s classroom students are separated into three field groups (named Bobcats, Chipmunks, and Wolves) to go hiking, play games, and learn about nature. Some of the things we learn about are what to do if someone gets hurt in the woods, candle and soap making, bridge building, and animal tracks. One of the most exciting activities you would do is called the Invention Convention. At Invention Convention, students are split into their three groups. Each group is instructed to build something new for the environmen­t. Each are told to be realistica­lly possible for humans to build, if not the design would be reworked to fit human knowledge.

Up in the mountains it was very cold in the mornings and at night. We have to bring jackets and try not to fall into the river! Also, we take a flashlight, because they are very helpful during night hikes! One of the night hike activities is to go out on a hike to a certain place and with your group. The group leader (one of the staff members) will light a candle and we were told to look at nothing but the candle. Once a few minutes have passed, the leader will blow out the candle and tell you to look around. Once you look around you will notice that you can see much more clearly and it’s as if you have night vision. The students also sit around a campfire every night, eat s’mores, and pray before going to their cabins to get ready for bed. Saint Mary’s students are very lucky to have such wonderful field trips every year.

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