Rome News-Tribune

Cold returns for Winter Games

- By Foster Klug Associated Press

PYEONGCHAN­G, South Korea — The cold is back for the Winter Games.

After two straight balmy Olympics where some might have wondered if it was even winter, let alone the world’s pre-eminent freeze-dependent sporting event, athletes and visitors alike will finally experience a serious chill in their bones during the games in mountainou­s Pyeongchan­g. How cold is it? So cold that tears spring to the eyes. So cold the ink in a pen grows sluggish and fades as it scribbles over a page. So cold that South Korean men sometimes flash back to being posted for hours on the frozen frontline during mandatory military service. So cold at least six people were treated for hypothermi­a last month after a pop concert at the open-air Olympic Stadium.

“We all hope it will be better in February, but if it’s like it is now, there will be big trouble. It’s just too cold for outsiders,” says Choi Jong-sik, 64, smirking in his shortsleev­e shirt as a visiting reporter removes layer after layer of thick outerwear for an interview at Choi’s Pyeongchan­g restaurant.

Vancouver and Sochi, where ski jumpers were landing in puddles, got complaints for being too warm, as might Beijing in 2022, but the weather in Pyeongchan­g will likely dazzle spectators, and confound organizers and athletes, in its bitterness.

Pyeongchan­g sits nearly half a mile above sea level in the northeaste­rn corner of South Korea, not too far from the border with the North. It is one of the coldest parts of the country — wind chill in February is often in single digits (Fahrenheit) — and notorious for a powerful, biting wind that gathers force as it barrels down out of Siberia and the Manchurian Plain and then across the jagged granite peaks of North Korea. It can be hard to get people here to talk about, or even acknowledg­e, the cold. It is simply a fact of life, and stoicism is often the rule when confronted with outsiders’ weatherrel­ated questions.

“The only thing foreigners can do is the same thing locals do: bundle up,” Nam Sunwoo, 60, a fishmonger in Pyeongchan­g, says. “Not many outsiders understand how cold it gets here. It’s not like where they’re from. This kind of cold is completely different.”

Despite the cold, organizers have done little to protect stadium visitors. Spectators will have to sit exposed for as long as five hours in the elements during the nighttime ceremonies. There are no built-in heating systems for the seats and the corridors, and it’s too late to build a roof and too expensive to install central heat, officials say. Many of the concertgoe­rs last month where six were treated for hypothermi­a reportedly flocked to the arena’s toilets for a rare bit of respite from the cold.

Organizers plan to provide each spectator at the Olympics ceremonies with a raincoat, a small blanket and heating pads — one to sit on, one for the hands and a pair for the feet. They also plan to install polycarbon­ate walls above the highest seats across the two northwest sides of the stadium to block the strongest winds. About 40 portable gas heaters will be placed in aisles between the rows of plastic seats, and lots of hot coffee and tea, fish sticks and heated buns will be on sale.

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