Rome News-Tribune

The three governors controvers­y


From the Chicago Tribune

One connoisseu­r described the beverage’s exquisite “vaguely mild sweetness.” He extolled its “nice smooth mouth feel, nothing that overwhelms the flavor profile.” The latest pricey pinot? A fine vintage Bordeaux? No, he was talking about “raw water” — unfiltered, untreated, unsteriliz­ed H2O fresh from somewhere other than a treatment plant.

Bottling companies in this fast-burbling industry are seeking to cash in on the next fresh thing. Devotees claim their water is better than tap for many reasons. It doesn’t have added fluoride, cavity fighter and bete noire of conspiracy theorists. It doesn’t pass through lead pipes. It doesn’t undergo the “wrong” kind of filtration that removes beneficial minerals and healthful probiotic bacteria.

What do we think? We think this is a potentiall­y magnificen­t revenue stream (sorry) for Chicago. Introducin­g: Absolutely Raw Lake Michigan Water. It’s clean(ish), except for those occasional oil, chemical, heavy metal and and sewage-laced stormwater releases. Sniff the seaweedy bouquet, with a hint of zebra mussel. Swish it around. Nice sandy finish.

Sure, we can see how some people freak out when they hear the traces of all the stuff that can be in the water. In 2008, Tribune reporters tested samples of Chicago water and found tiny amounts of an anti-seizure drug, a common painkiller, caffeine and two chemicals used to make Teflon and Scotchgard.

Ewwww. But as we reported then, and today remind potential raw water aficionado­s, this isn’t surprising — or a health risk.

Nor is detecting such traces of impurities only a Chicago phenomenon. Authoritie­s nationwide have detected bad stuff in tap water: dozens of prescripti­on and over-the-counter drugs as well as chemicals from personal-care products, food packaging, clothing and household goods.

Why? Because much of what goes into people and animals and the ground comes out again … and eventually finds its way into the water. Filtration systems clean drinking water but don’t completely remove every impurity. Important Point 1: These tests do not show that tap water is unsafe. Important Point 2: Water siphoned from a supposedly pristine stream or spring may be tainted. Naturally occurring elements such as arsenic and radon can contaminat­e groundwate­r. Runoff from pesticides or other chemicals pose huge risks.

“Modern municipal water treatment is one of the all-time greatest public health achievemen­ts,” Commission­er Debra Shore of the Metropolit­an Water Reclamatio­n District of Greater Chicago reminds us. “Many thousands of people — maybe more! — used to die from cholera, typhoid and other waterborne diseases. No longer — at least in the developed world where we have excellent water utilities. It is simply reckless to revert to untreated sources of water because they’ve been pitched as ‘pure’ or ‘raw.’ When I go camping I bring a water filter because even the purest mountain streams can have harmful bacteria. Talk to anybody who’s gotten giardia from drinking water from clear mountain streams.”

Something better than Lake Michigan’s (treated) best? Sorry, but that sales pitch doesn’t hold water.

BA somewhat confusing turn of events, I will briefly state the disagreeme­nt.

Then Gov. Eugene Talmadge began his fourth term as Georgia’s governor in November, 1946. However, his health was failing and in December, 1946, he died. In the wake of his death, his supporters put forth a plan that allowed the Georgia legislatur­e to elect a governor. In January, 1947, the Georgia General Assembly elected Eugene Talmadge’s son Herman, to be Georgia’s Governor. However, the newly elected lieutenant governor Melvin E. Thompson claimed the office of governor. Further, the outgoing governor Ellis Arnall refused to leave office. This is what created the situation of Georgia having three governors. The Georgia Supreme Court settled the controvers­y.

In March, 1947, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that Melvin E. Thompson was the rightful governor. He was lieutenant governor-elect when Gov. Eugene Talmadge died. Herman Talmadge began campaignin­g almost immediatel­y THE 1954 GOVERNOR’S RACE Griffin ran for governor in 1954, in a field of nine candidates. He won the election because most Georgia voters saw him as the favored candidate of outgoing governor Herman Talmadge. That’s just about the time Griffin called Aunt Melba at Berry College.

JOHN ELWIN SHEFFIELD JR. represente­d Brooks County (Quitman) in the legislatur­e in the 1950s. He met Aunt Melba when the legislatur­e was in session one year. They dated and then became engaged. Mama said Gov. Griffin and his wife hosted an engagement party for Aunt Melba and Uncle John at the governor’s mansion.

In 1955, I believe it was, they married at the Berry College Chapel. Mama was Aunt Melba’s matron of honor. I still have a lot of great wedding pictures taken that day.

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