Rome News-Tribune

Friend lends bride a wedding dress but is not given invitation to wedding


Dear Abby: My coworker and supposed friend asked if she could borrow my wedding dress because she thought it was so beautiful. I was thrilled to lend it to her and paid for the alteration­s as her wedding present. I accompanie­d her to her fittings and helped her plan her wedding for approximat­ely 100 friends and family.

The kicker: My husband and I were not invited to the wedding, and when she returned my gown, it had lipstick on it and cake down the front. It wasn’t even in a bag — she just handed it to me. What should I think about this? — Flabbergas­ted

In Florida

Dear Flabbergas­ted: You should conclude that your co-worker and “friend” is someone with no class whatsoever. Have the dress cleaned and packaged so it can be properly stored if you intend to keep it, and give HER the bill.

Dear Abby: I am going through a rough divorce. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, I had to get an order of protection against my soon-to-be ex. I originally intended to keep my husband’s last name because we have a child together and I want my last name to be the same as my child’s. The thing is, Abby, I’m so disgusted with his behavior that the thought of keeping his last name makes me sick to my stomach. What should I do?

— Single Soon In Ohio

Dear Single Soon: Many parents have different names than their children. If keeping your almost-ex-husband’s last name makes you sick to your stomach now, in a few years you may have a major case of indigestio­n. Change your name when the divorce is final because the longer you wait to do it, the more complicate­d it may become.

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