Rome News-Tribune

Long marriage hasn’t been happy due to couple living separate lives


Dear Abby: I have been married for 30 years. Although my husband and I are both positive people, we have not had a happy marriage.

He leads the life of a bachelor, including sex with other women and unilateral decision-making. He’s outgoing, generous and well-liked. I’m a homebody who often feels lonely and rejected.

Outsiders would be surprised at the true nature of our relationsh­ip. We have been to counseling, but it didn’t help. Why do I stay in this marriage? What’s wrong with me? Are there others like me?

— Incredulou­s

In Indiana

Dear Incredulou­s: You wouldn’t have stayed married to your husband

Dear Abby: I dated this woman for almost a year. It ended when she gave me an ultimatum: convert to her religion or walk. She is Pentecosta­l, and I am Catholic. We are both deeply rooted to our own churches.

A few months have gone by. She still has deep feelings for me, but I don’t know if I feel the same way because of her ultimatum. One of us must convert or we won’t be able to move forward. But there are big difference­s between the two religions. What should I do?

— Converting In The South

Dear Converting: Because you are deeply rooted in your Catholicis­m and no longer sure you feel the same way about her, let her go so she can find a good Pentecosta­l husband. Religion is something a person must believe in, not switch to please someone.

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