Rome News-Tribune

Mueller’s testimony did not change the equation

- COLUMNIST|DON McKEE Contact Don McKee at

Robert Mueller’s testimony before two congressio­nal committees last week amounted to a rehash of his lengthy published report and failed to provide Democrats with new ammunition for pursuing impeachmen­t of President Donald Trump for alleged obstructio­n of justice.

Over and over, this is how Mueller replied to questions about the report and his investigat­ion:

“I can’t answer that question.” “I’m not going to get into that.” “I don’t recall.” “I’ve got to pass on that.” “I refer you to the report.” “I can’t speak to that.” Mueller confirmed that his re- port did not “exonerate” Trump from obstructio­n of justice and added that Department of Justice policy prohibited the indictment of a sitting president. Mueller reiterated that his investigat­ion “found that the Russian government interfered in our election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” On that point, he said again the investigat­ion “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interferen­ce activities.” As for “collusion,” he said that was not addressed since it is not a legal term. Mueller stuck with what his report said as Democrats and Republican­s came at him from opposite directions.

Democrats seized on Mueller’s reiteratio­n of the report’s finding that Trump was not cleared of obstructio­n of justice. Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee which grilled the special counsel first, said, “Mueller made clear that the president is not exonerated.” Nadler said Trump “went to great lengths to obstruct the special counsel’s investigat­ion” and the president could be indicted for obstructio­n of justice after leaving office. The hearing brought out that the statute of limitation­s is five years, and thus if Trump wins a second term, he would not face prosecutio­n for obstructio­n of justice. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said an impeachmen­t inquiry remains a possibilit­y but did not commit to pursuing it, saying the decision depended on what House committees came up with in the ongoing House investigat­ions of Trump’s finances, which she said the Mueller investigat­ion was prohibited from doing.

Trump called Mueller’s performanc­e “one of the worst” in this country’s history. “He did a horrible job,” Trump said. “He had no material. There was nothing done wrong.” Likewise, the reaction from both the right and the left was negative. Fox News’ Chris Wallace said Mueller’s performanc­e was “a disaster for the Democrats” and “a disaster for the reputation of Robert Mueller.” Likewise, NBC News

political director Chuck Todd called the optics of Mueller’s testimony before the Judiciary Committee a “disaster.” He said the special counsel “did nothing to advance the cause for impeachmen­t.” MSNBC national security analyst Jeremy Bash said, “far from breathing life into the report,” Mueller “kind of sucked the life out of the report.” David Axelrod, former adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted, “This is very, very painful.”

The Judiciary Committee hearing was enlivened by Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner challengin­g Mueller’s use of “exoneratio­n,” a non-legal term. Driving home his point, Turner asked if there was a “Department of Exoneratio­ns” in the Justice Department, pointing out that the power of exoneratio­n does not exist within the criminal justice system. “The statement about exoneratio­n is misleading,” Turner said. “And it’s meaningles­s, and it colors this investigat­ion. One word out of the entire portion of your report, and it’s a meaningles­s word that has no legal meaning, and it has colored your entire report.” It was a point well taken concerning the long overused term.

Mueller’s second round of testimony came in the House Intelligen­ce committee and it opened with Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, accusing Trump and members of his election campaign of “disloyalty to country.” Schiff, long a vociferous opponent of Trump, said the 2016 campaign was also a story about “money, about greed and corruption” by the campaign leadership. But Republican Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah brought out the string of leaks about Mueller’s investigat­ion, pointing to 25 examples — all “designed to weaken or embarrass” the president, while no informatio­n favorable to Trump was ever leaked.

At the end of a long day, the situation was status quo with Democrats moving ahead with multiple committee investigat­ions into Trump’s finances, taxes and businesses. Republican­s looked for light to be shone on the genesis of the special counsel investigat­ion, heartened by Attorney General Barr’s already having begun a probe into that question.

So the investigat­ions, charges and counter charges will continue with no end in sight. With the Democrats getting no “bombshell” boost from Mueller’s testimony, it now appears that impeachmen­t by the House is unlikely. What is abundantly clear: the unrelentin­g attacks on Trump by the Democrats and their media partners will continue ad infinitum with the objective of defeating him in next year’s election.

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