Rome News-Tribune



Afew months back, a man I meet with on a regular basis asked me a question. “What would you say is your leadership style, and what are the things you do intentiona­lly to live as a leader?”

The question caught me off guard. Not because I don’t have certain things I intentiona­lly and consistent­ly perform in my daily life that help me live as a leader, but the question made me realize I had never written down a leadership philosophy.

So, the question sparked me to begin the process of writing down the leadership style I pursue and the qualities I do my best to live out each day. These are the things I want to do and be as a leader. Things I want to pass on to others as I have opportunit­ies to mentor and train other leaders.

Be real. As we live and work in a world filled with dishonesty, people find it refreshing to deal with leaders who are real and transparen­t. So, do you best to be and model an authentic life.

Consistent­ly practice what you ask others to practice. If you expect others to exhibit servant leadership by seeing those who are unseen and by being willing to take out the trash, it’s important for you to do those same things.

Be available,’s the catch also be unavailabl­e. I know too many leaders who have lost their families because they were ALWAYS available. Make commitment­s to your family and yourself and refuse to be available during those times.

See what you can do to help each person become what you see them as. Help them find and use their gifts. Help them become disciples for Jesus.

Don’t ever appear to have it all together. Most of us don’t have it all together, therefore, it is extremely hard to relate to someone who appears to have it all together. Let others see your flaws. Help others see their need for grace by modeling your need for grace.

Admit when you are wrong. Admit your mistakes and take responsibi­lity. Most people shower those who admit their mistakes with tons of grace.

Don’t be a know-it-all. You may know a lot but always be humble enough to learn from others.

Put informatio­n in the hands of those you are leading. Don’t just tell them to learn, give them the things you want them to learn.

Invite people into your home.

Always seek input from your spouse.

Be a voice for those without one.

Live out Matthew 25.3436. Feed others. Give a drink to the thirsty. Provide housing for one without a home. Clothe those without clothing. Care for the sick. Visit those in jail.

My leadership philosophy is an evolving leadership philosophy. A work in progress. Because leaders grow and learn and change.

As I am growing and learning and changing, I’m going to do my best to lead as Jesus led. To do what I can, where I am.

Joey Haynes is a follower of Jesus, married way out of his league, has two of the coolest children in the universe and is blessed to work with an amazing community of believers known as The Church at Rome.

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