Rome News-Tribune

Husband won’t put an end to his infidelity even after being caught


Dear Abby: I have been married for 23 years. About a year ago, our 22year-old daughter became suspicious that her dad might be having an affair. She found out it was true through his text messages. When we sat down as a family and discussed it, at first he denied it. My husband and I talked to work things out and I took him to confession. We later all went away for a vacation together.

Some time has passed, and I looked at his phone and saw he’s been at it again. Recently, I’ve been going to counseling. I need advice. — Suspicious in New Jersey

Dear Suspicious: By now it should be apparent that your husband cannot or will not stop womanizing and lying to you. I’m glad you are seeing a licensed therapist, because you need to decide rationally whether the situation you’re living with is one you are willing to tolerate. You should also schedule an appointmen­t an attorney to find out what your rights are as a wife of 23 years in New Jersey.

Dear Abby: I met this guy online three months ago. He’s the greatest guy I have ever met. He respects me in ways no other man has respected me, and I appreciate that about him so much. I feel like I may be in love with him, but I don’t know if that’s the case or if it’s because I’m alone and vulnerable. I was never close with my biological father or my adoptive father, so some of this may be “daddy issues.” Should I tell him how I feel about him, or is it way too soon?

— Taken by Him

in Michigan

Dear Taken: It would be more prudent to wait until you are sure about your feelings for this guy before declaring your love. Slow down.


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