Rome News-Tribune



1784: The United States ratified the Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolution­ary War.

1943: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle met in Casablanca, Morocco.

1952: The morning news program “Today” debuted on NBC.

1954: New York Yankees center fielder Joe DiMaggio and actress Marilyn Monroe were married in San Francisco.

2010: Yemen declared open war on al-Qaida.


Benedict Arnold (1741-1801), American soldier/ traitor; Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), theologian/physician; Hal Roach (1892-1992), film and TV producer; John Dos Passos (1896-1970), author; Andy Rooney (1919-2011), writer/ TV commentato­r; Faye Dunaway (1941-), actress; Shannon Lucid (1943-), astronaut; Lawrence Kasdan (1949-), filmmaker; Steven Soderbergh (1963-), filmmaker; Shepard Smith (1964-), TV journalist; LL Cool J (1968-), rapper/ actor; Jason Bateman (1969-), actor; Dave Grohl (1969-), singer-songwriter; Grant Gustin (1990-), actor.

TODAY’S FACT: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1943 meeting in Casablanca marked the first time a U.S. president traveled by airplane while in office and the first time a president left the country’s soil during wartime.

TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1973, the undefeated Miami Dolphins completed the only perfect season in NFL history, defeating the Washington Redskins 14-7 in Super Bowl VII.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “A novel is a commodity that fulfills a certain need; people need to buy daydreams like they need to buy ice cream or aspirin or gin. They even need to buy a pinch of intellectu­al catnip now and then to liven up their thoughts ...” — John Dos Passos

TODAY’S NUMBER: 36.7 million — estimated population of Morocco in 2022.

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