Rome News-Tribune

WEBB, Lamar Thaxter


Having fought the JRRG ¿JKW DQG Kdying kept the faith for 94 years, 8 months, and 9 days, Lamar Thaxter :HEE ¿QLVKHG WKH UDFH RQ Monday, May 22, 2023, following a very brief illness. $Q LFRQLF PHPEHU RI WKH *O\QQ &RXQW\ FRPPXQLTY for over 60 years, Lamar was born the 2nd of twin sons to Ethel and Eugene Webb of Hapeville (the siWXV RI +DUWV¿HOG -DFNVRQ Internatio­nal Airport), Fulton County, Georgia. The twins and their sister, Faye, VSHQW WKHLU FKLOGKRRGV JURZING up in the family home on SURSHUW\ ZKLFK LV QRZ WKH ORFDWLRQ RI WKH -LPP\ &DUWHU Presidenti­al Library.

Lamar graduated Boys +LJK 6FKRRO LQ $WODQWD EHIRUH PDWULFXODW­LQJ ZLWK KLV twin brother, Baxter, to the University of Georgia in Athens, where for four years they were members of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and were both voted upon by the student body, ZKLFK ZDV WKH FXVWRP DW WKH WLPH WR EH FKHHUOHDGE­RS for the Bulldogs. The WZLQV FKHHUHG RQ Fkdpslonsh­ip Bulldog teams in the Cotton, Orange, and Sugar ERZOV )ROORZLQJ FROOHJH WKH twins enlisted in the military with Baxter going to the

Army and Thaxter, as he was NQRZQ WKHQ WR WKH $LU )RUFH where, as a 1st Lieutenant stationed in Point Barrow, Alaska, he helped guard the US’S western/ussr eastern border during the Korean war. Prior to his assignment to Point Barrow, Lamar met WKH JLUO WKDW EHFDPH WKH ORYH RI KLV OLIH %HWW\H -DQH -DFNVRQ DOVR D /LHXWHQDQW LQ the USAF, while stationed at Wright-patterson Air Base in 'D\WRQ 2KLR 7KH WZR FRQWLQXHG WKHLU FRXUWVKLS DIWHU Lamar was assigned to Point %DUURZ DQG %HWW\H -DQH was assigned to Ramstein Airbase in Kaiserslau­tern, *HUPDQ\ /DPDU DQG %were married in a quaint VHUYLFH RQ 'HF LQ =XULFK 6ZLW]HUODQG ZKHUH WKH\ IRXQG DQ (SLVFRSDO $QJOLFDQ &KXUFK /DPDU returned to the US to begin JUDGXDWH DUFKLWHFWX­UDO VWXGLHV DW *HRUJLD 7HFK XQGHU the GI Bill. Unlike at UGA, where as a member of the FKHHUOHDGL­QJ VTXDG KH DFFRPSDQLH­G WKH %XOOGRJV WR the gridiron, he never atWHQGHG D JDPH DW 7HFK GHVSLWH WKH

/DPDU ZDV UHFUXLWHG IURP 7HFK E\ WKH $WODQWD $UFKLWHFWXU­DO ¿UP $EUHX 5REHVRQ WR RSHQ DQ RɤFH RQ St. Simons Island where the ¿UP KRSHG WR FDSLWDOL]H RQ the soon-to-be booming residentia­l growth of the Golden Isles. Lamar left Abreu Robeson and partnered with his friend, Ed Cheshire, to form Webb and Cheshire $UFKLWHFWV /DWHU /DPDU would establish Lamar T. :HEE $UFKLWHFW $,$ ,1& where he worked almost daily to the day of his passing. /DPDU VWDPSHG KLV GH¿QHG VW\OH DORQJ PDQ\ $WODQWLF UHVRUW FRPPXQLWLH­V LQFOXGLQJ WKH GHVLJQ DQG DUFKLWHFWX­UH RI PRUH WKDQ KRPHV RQ St. Simons and Sea Island. His kindness of heart, pasVLRQ DQG GHGLFDWLRQ WR KLV FUDIW ZDV QRW ORVW XSRQ KLV PDQ\ FOLHQWV DOPRVW DOO RI ZKRP EHFDPH KLV DQG %-¶V lifelong friends.

Lamar was a long-time PHPEHU RI &KULVW &KXUFK )UHGHULFD MRLQLQJ WKH FKXUFK XSRQ KLV DUULYDO RQ WKH ,VODQG LQ +H Frqstantly worked and volunWHHUH­G ZLWK ORFDO FRPPXNITY groups to better the *ROGHQ ,VOHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 6W 6LPRQV -D\FHHV *ROGHQ ,VOHV 'XSOLFDWH %ULGJH &OXE Island Players, St. Simons $UW $VVRFLDWLRQ 6W 6LPRQV Garden Club, and the *HRUJLD 7UXVW IRU +LVWRULF Preservati­on, among many others. He was a devoted KXVEDQG DQG D GHGLFDWHG IDWKHU DVVLVWLQJ %- UDLVH WZLQV Robin and Mark, of their own.

Lamar is survived by KLV WZR FKLOGUHQ 0DUN Webb and his wife Renee (Rome) and Robin Webb RI 6W 6LPRQV ,VODQG KLV WKUHH JUDQGFKLOG­UHQ 6\GQH\ Galego and Drue Galego of St. Simons Island and Ailsa :HEE 5RPH KLV VLVWHU Faye Anderson and her husEDQG 5LFKDUG 6DYDQQDK QLHFH 0HOLVVD 3ULFH DQG KHU KXVEDQG 5LFKDUG $XJXVWD sister-in-law Ann Webb 3DOP %HDFK )/ DQG RWKHU extended family.

+H LV SUHGHFHDVH­G E\ KLV parents Eugene and Ethel :HEE KLV ZLIH %HWW\H -DQH :HEE 'HFHPEHU and his twin brother Eugene %D[WHU :HEE -XQH

0HPRULDO 6HUYLFHV ZLOO Ehgin at 10 am, Saturday, May



%UXQVZLFN 0HPRULDO 3DUN Funeral Home is honored to assist the family of Mr. Webb.

I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participat­e in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in RXU PHPRULHV :H ¿QG Frpfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.

— Leo Buscaglia

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