Royal Oak Tribune

GOP chairman’s comments taken out of context


Ron Weiser’s comments, at the March meeting of the North Oakland Republican Club (NORC) were mischaract­erized and taken out of context.

I invited Chairman Weiser to speak because the Republican grassroots base of activists and delegates who come to NORC meetings needed to hear his vision and to vent their frustratio­ns to him. The frustratio­n is not with the governor, but with the Republican majority legislatur­e that has not rallied public support to stop her dictatoria­l rule and that did nothing about a perceived stolen election. On top of all of that, the out-going chair of the party accused the incoming chairman of giving an illegal payoff to a political operative.

Chairman Weiser showed courage to meet with us. He’s a smart, experience­d veteran of the office and knew what he was facing. Like a good NFL coach, Chairman Weiser sought to rally and unite his team. He used metaphors to identify the opponents, as is typical, in this case calling them the three witches and continuing the metaphor of beating them as burning the witches at the steak. For too long they have heard weak, conciliato­ry rhetoric from republican leaders and to hear this sharpened tone was a refreshing change; the type of tone that made President Trump so admired.

Chairman Weiser actually defended the two republican­s who voted to impeach the president by saying “short of assassinat­ion” as a sarcastic quip that it’s up to the electorate to do something. Matt Marko


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