

- Daniela E. Jaeger Group Publisher, TOTI Media

Reflecting on the past year, we all will realize that quite a lot had to be lifted in 2017, and I’m not talking about lifting weights in a fitness studio. Maybe you had to deal with overwhelmi­ng matters from environmen­tal to personal issues. But let's be honest, we should not allow ourselves to be thrown off balance. When I think of dealing with these challenges as lifting weights and a way to get stronger, it’s much easier to move forward in a positive light. In fact, a trip to the Sanibel Health Club and a good workout helps immensely to keep me balanced.

And as we march into 2018, we are already so focused on getting work done and trying to help others that we often forget to recharge our own batteries. I’m like everyone else when it comes to setting goals—or making New Year’s resolution­s. Except this year, I’m resisting calling this a New Year’s resolution, I like to call it my key objectives for the coming year:

I’ve made my objectives simple, so that I don’t find them too imposing. My belief is that if we all work toward being more present in each moment, treating those around us with respect and kindness, and ridding ourselves of any unnecessar­y baggage that just weighs us down, we can all lighten our load in 2018.

I’m so looking forward to seeing you out and about in our community this year, and everyone here at TOTI Media wishes you nothing but an enriching, rewarding and fulfilling New Year. Daniela E. Jaeger

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