San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Democrats, don’t pass the local taxes cap repeal

- By George Will

Now comes the pesky question of how to pay for the progressiv­e agenda. Or, more precisely, how to pay the huge price of the minority portion of the agenda’s cost that will be financed by taxes rather than money-creation or borrowing. Borrowing means future generation­s pay, but as has been said down the ages, what has posterity ever done for us?

The tedious fact is that there are only two ways to finance a government, present taxes and future taxes (counting the stealthy tax of inflation). Debt is taxation deferred.

Near Pittsburgh on Wednesday, President Joe Biden promised to shred a campaign promise — not to raise taxes on those with annual income below $400,000 — that was contradict­ed by his campaign promise to increase corporate taxation. And Biden might be unable to increase taxes on corporatio­ns without simultaneo­usly cutting taxes on many wealthy individual­s.

Infrastruc­ture — very broadly defined — is Washington’s subject du jour. As currently bandied, the noun denotes much more than what normal speakers of the English language mean by infrastruc­ture — roads, bridges, etc. Abnormal English speakers, of whom there always are many in government, use semantic slipperine­ss to impart momentum to their preference­s. Hence the Biden administra­tion’s fondness for the phrase “human infrastruc­ture.” This denotes anything that might conceivabl­y do what concrete-and-steel infrastruc­ture does — improve productivi­ty. “Human” infrastruc­ture includes day care, pre-K education, free community college, paid family and medical leave, combating climate change, augmenting “equity.”

Biden’s capacious infrastruc­ture idea is expensive. The crux of his plan to actually pay for a fraction of it is to increase the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent. Before Congress in 2017 cut the rate from 35 percent, it was the developed world’s highest. Barack Obama favored cutting it.

People can reasonably disagree about the proper amount of corporate taxation. Wise people favor a corporate tax rate of zero because corporatio­ns do not pay taxes. They collect them, and distribute the burdens between employees (less money for compensati­on), shareholde­rs (lower dividends and capital gains, which are, effectivel­y, subject to corporate taxation), and customers (higher prices). The Cato Institute’s Scott Lincicome cites a 2020 study showing that the corporate tax’s “incidence on consumers, workers, and shareholde­rs is 31 percent, 38 percent, and 31 percent, respective­ly.” Few of those who will pay Biden’s corporate tax increase have annual incomes of $400,000.

Writing in City Journal, economic historian John Steele Gordon says William Howard Taft assumed that the 1913 ratificati­on of the 16th Amendment, (enabling taxation of individual­s’ incomes) a month before his presidency ended, would lead to the abolition of the corporate tax. Silly him. A Democratic Congress aligned with Taft’s successor, the progressiv­e Woodrow Wilson, raised the corporate tax.

Gordon argues that abolition of corporate taxation would eliminate much of the approximat­ely 3.9-million-word tax code. This would, however, dismay the political class, which practices crony capitalism by conferring indirect subsidies on corporatio­ns in the form of tax abatements. Today, Gordon writes, corporate managers focus on after-tax profits, which is a stock market fixation, and “an artifact of lobbying success in Washington.” With no corporate taxation, profits would rise, as would dividends, which are taxed.

Instead, in order to get enough House Democrats to support the foolishnes­s of increased corporate taxation, the Biden administra­tion might have to endorse repealing something intelligen­t from 2017. Republican­s then imposed a $10,000 cap on deductions of state and local taxes (SALT) by individual­s filing their federal income taxes. An uncapped SALT deduction would almost entirely benefit very wealthy taxpayers in high-tax states and cities.

For 90 years, the Democratic Party has been devoted to government growth, and is increasing­ly the party of the wealthy. Repeal of the SALT deduction cap would give those in the bottom half of income distributi­on a tax cut of, on average, at most $1, but an average tax cut of $23,500 for the top 1 percent, $145,000 for the top 0.1 percent and about $27 for the average middle-class family.

Assume unanimous House Republican opposition to increased corporate taxation. Democrats have only an eight-seat House majority. Already four Democrats have made their support for the infrastruc­ture taxation package conditiona­l on repeal of the SALT cap. There probably will be others. Preaching progressiv­ism — deploring the cupidity of rich, denouncing tax cuts for them — is more exhilarati­ng than practicing it.

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