San Antonio Express-News

Proposed amendments


Propositio­n A: Shall the City Charter be amended to expand the types of ordinances that may be subject to referendum including appropriat­ion of money, levying a tax, granting a franchise, fixing public utility rates, zoning and rezoning of property; and to increase the number of days within which a petition may be filed seeking a referendum on an ordinance passed by Council from forty to one hundred eighty days after passage of the ordinance; and to provide that no more than twenty thousand signatures of registered voters are required for a referendum petition instead of ten percent of those electors qualified to vote at the last regular municipal election? Propositio­n B: Shall the City Charter be amended to limit the term the City Manager may serve to no longer than eight years, and to limit the compensati­on of the City Manager to no more than ten times the annual salary furnished to the lowest paid full-time city employee, and to require a supermajor­ity vote of City Council to appoint the City Manager? Propositio­n C: Shall the City Charter be amended to provide the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Fire Fighters Local 624 with unilateral authority to require the City to participat­e in binding arbitratio­n of all issues in dispute with the Associatio­n within forty-five days of the City’s receipt of the Associatio­n’s written arbitratio­n request?

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