San Antonio Express-News

Trump: ‘I don’t have an attorney general’


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump escalated his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday, offering a scathing assessment of his performanc­e on the job and in his confirmati­on hearing. “I don’t have an attorney general. It’s very sad,” Trump said in an interview with Hill.TV, in which he also said the former senator from Alabama came off as “mixed up and confused” when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee in January 2017. Trump long has been publicly critical of Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the investigat­ion into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and said he has regretted nominating him to lead the Justice Department. But in the Hill.TV interview, Trump offered broader criticism, including on Sessions’s handling of immigratio­n issues, which has been cheered by Trump allies. “I’m not happy at the border, I’m not happy with numerous things, not just this,” Trump said, referring to the Russian investigat­ion. Sessions has implemente­d some of the most aggressive and controvers­ial steps to try to crack down on illegal immigratio­n — emphasizin­g “zero tolerance” for those who come to the country illegally, defending the policy of separating families and issuing a ruling that limits those who qualify for asylum, among other things. Trump doubled down on his criticism of Sessions as he left the White House on Wednesday morning for North Carolina to survey hurricane damage. “I’m disappoint­ed in the attorney general for many reasons, and you understand that,” he told reporters. After taking another public tongue-lashing from the president, Sessions gave a speech to law enforcemen­t officials in Waukegan, Illinois, in which he effusively praised Trump. “Under his strong leadership, we are respecting police again and enforcing our laws,” Sessions said, according to a written version of the speech. “Based on my experience meeting with officers like you across the country, I believe that morale has already improved under President Trump. I can feel the difference.” In the interview, Trump suggested he appointed Sessions out of blind loyalty. “I’m so sad over Jeff Sessions because he came to me,” Trump said. “He was the first senator that endorsed me. And he wanted to be attorney general, and I didn’t see it.” Trump said Sessions did “very poorly” during the confirmati­on process. Citing Justice Department regulation­s, Sessions announced his recusal from the Russia investigat­ion in March because of his prominent role in the Trump campaign. Part of the investigat­ion now led by special counsel Robert Mueller is focusing on whether Trump’s campaign coordinate­d with Russia. In the interview, Trump questioned Sessions’ self-recusal, asserting the FBI “reported shortly thereafter any reason for him to recuse himself.” It wasn’t immediatel­y clear what he meant. Career Justice Department ethics officials had told Sessions he had to step aside from any campaign-related investigat­ions. Trump, as president, could fire Sessions at any time, but for more than a year, he has chosen instead merely to insult his attorney general. Trump previously suggested he’s unlikely to fire Sessions before the midterm elections in November. Trump did not offer a firm answer when asked about Sessions’s future by Hill.TV. “We’ll see what happens,” he said. “A lot of people have asked me to do that. And I guess I study history, and I say I just want to leave things alone, but it was very unfair what he did.” “We’ll see how it goes with Jeff,” Trump added. “I’m very disappoint­ed in Jeff. Very disappoint­ed.”

 ?? Oliver Contreras / Tribune News Service ?? President Donald Trump listens as Attorney General Jeff Sessions (back to camera) speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the White House.
Oliver Contreras / Tribune News Service President Donald Trump listens as Attorney General Jeff Sessions (back to camera) speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the White House.

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