San Antonio Express-News

KIPP co-founder is ‘vindicated’ after ruling

- By Jacob Carpenter STAFF WRITER

Two administra­tive law judges recommende­d this week that KIPP co-founder Mike Feinberg be allowed to keep his educator certificat­ion after state officials failed to meet their burden of proving he sexually abused a student in Houston in 1999.

In a 56-page recommenda­tion released Wednesday, the judges found there were “simply too many inconsiste­ncies” in the student’s account, as well as enough evidence favorable to Feinberg, to warrant revoking his Texas certificat­ion.

The recommenda­tion now goes to the State Board of Educator Certificat­ion for a final ruling. No date has been set for the board’s decision.

The findings mark the first legal ruling on the merits of allegation­s against Feinberg, who was fired from KIPP in February 2018 after a two-decade run with the organizati­on he helped build into a pre-eminent charter school network.

“I’m grateful to the State of Texas

for exoneratin­g me and restoring my status as an educator in good standing,” Feinberg said in a statement Thursday. “When judges finally heard my case, I was vindicated, as I have maintained all along.”

Texas Education Agency officials moved in March 2019 to revoke Feinberg’s certificat­ion following allegation­s that he inappropri­ately touched and sexually violated a female fifth-grade student two decades earlier at Houston’s KIPP Academy. The allegation­s first surfaced publicly in 2017, when a relative of the former student disclosed them to officials at the charter school network, and triggered two additional complaints of sexual harassment against Feinberg.

While KIPP leaders could not definitive­ly prove the three allegation­s against Feinberg, they said their lawyers found “credible evidence” to substantia­te the claims following two investigat­ions. Feinberg has denied all of the allegation­s.

At a licensing hearing in February, the former student told administra­tive law judges Beth Bierman and Robert Pemberton that Feinberg abused her on two occasions in his campus office.

At the hearing, the former student’s mother also recalled her daughter telling her in 1999 about the two incidents. The former student testified they did not tell KIPP or law enforcemen­t officials at the time out of fear that the girl’s father would “blame me for it and hit me” and her allegation­s would not be believed because of her Hispanic ethnicity.

Feinberg’s lawyers highlighte­d inconsiste­nt statements made by the former student in recent investigat­ions and legal proceeding­s, including the time the student first disclosed the allegation­s to her mother. They also presented evidence suggesting it was implausibl­e that Feinberg could have abused the girl during school hours in his office, which had a window that could be seen through by administra­tive assistants stationed in front of it.

The two administra­tive judges ultimately sided with Feinberg’s lawyer, finding state officials did not meet their burden of proof — a prepondera­nce of the evidence, or more likely than not.

“We need only conclude that even if one credits (the former student) with a good-faith belief in the truth of her testimony, there are simply too many inconsiste­ncies within her own recollecti­ons, and also with the evidence of what would have been the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the incident, to establish that (Feinberg) more likely than not abused her sexually,” the judges wrote.

The administra­tive hearing in Austin did not include the two allegation­s of sexual harassment, which involved two former employees accusing Feinberg of offering them money in exchange for sex in the early 2000s. KIPP officials deemed the allegation­s credible, while Feinberg has denied them and accused the charter school’s leaders of conducting unfair investigat­ions into him.

Immediatel­y following Feinberg’s firing, KIPP officials said “critical facts about these events may never be conclusive­ly determined,” but Feinberg at a minimum “put himself into situations where his conduct could be seriously misconstru­ed.”

In a statement Thursday, KIPP Director of Media Relations Maria Alcón-heraux said the judges’ recommenda­tion “does not change the circumstan­ces of Mike Feinberg’s departure from KIPP.”

Feinberg sued KIPP for defamation in 2019, but a Harris County judge dismissed the lawsuit in March.

Following his firing, Feinberg founded the Texas School Venture Fund, a nonprofit that works to support the expansion of charter schools nationally.

KIPP operates 242 schools in 28 regions throughout the country, including 7 in the San Antonio area.

 ??  ?? Two judges said KIPP co-founder Mike Feinberg, pictured in 2011, should not lose his educator’s license.
Two judges said KIPP co-founder Mike Feinberg, pictured in 2011, should not lose his educator’s license.

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