San Antonio Express-News

GOP tees up policing bill after Floyd death

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Venturing into a new priority, Senate Republican­s are quickly compiling a package of policing changes after George Floyd’s death that would create a national database of useof-force incidents, encourage police body cameras and include a long-stalled effort to make lynching a federal hate crime.

The burst of political energy reflects how swiftly the national conversati­on over police and racial injustice is upturning business as usual in Washington. The emerging GOP bill doesn’t go as far as a sweeping new Democratic package, but it includes several similar provisions. What’s unclear is if President Donald Trump will back any of the proposed changes.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, whose home state of Kentucky faces unrest over the police shooting of Breonna Taylor, indicated Thursday the legislatio­n would be ready soon.

“The killing of black Americans like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have accelerate­d important conversati­ons,” Mcconnell said as he opened the Senate.

The party that has long favored a “law and order” approach — seen in Trump’s reaction to the nationwide demonstrat­ions over Floyd’s death — finds itself trying to adapt to a fast-changing national dialogue on police and race as the Black Lives Matter movement gains worldwide prominence.

“This is an issue whose time has come,” Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the GOP’S only black senator, said Thursday on the “Today” show.

A group of GOP senators led by Scott is meeting behind closed doors and with the White House on the legislatio­n. Despite a push to produce a package this week, the deadline is slipping as details are being compiled. It is expected to be released early next week, according to a senior GOP aide unauthoriz­ed to discuss the situation and granted anonymity.

Central to the package will be a new national database of use-offorce incidents, similar to one included in the Democratic bill. It’s a concept both parties support as a way to track potential police misconduct and ensure officers cannot simply transfer from one department to another without public disclosure of their records.

Scott said the provision would be named the “Breonna Taylor Reporting Act” and it would include not only the tracking of useof-force incidents but also noknock warrants such as police used to enter the 26-year-old woman’s home. The database proposal expands on a similar bill Scott introduced in 2015 after Walter Scott — no relation — was killed by police in South Carolina.

Unlike the House Democratic bill, which would ban police choke holds, the Republican bill appears to be more focused on providing training for officers to de-escalate confrontat­ions.

It would also include “duty to intervene” provisions so other officers would step up to stop misconduct, Scott said.

“We’re trying to provide the resources necessary to retrain these local department­s,” he said.

One area of uncertaint­y is over so-called “qualified immunity,” which the Democrats’ bill adjusts to make it easier for injured individual­s to claim damages in civil suits against police offices. The White House has said it was a nonstarter and it is not likely to be included in the Senate bill.

Democrats have so far panned the GOP effort as insufficie­nt compared with their own far-reaching proposal, built from decades of work by the Congressio­nal Black Caucus tracking police and racial issues. The House is expected to approve the Democrats’ bill in mid-june.

“The moment does not call for cherry-picking one or two things to do. It calls for bold and broadscale change,” said Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York.

In the House, GOP leader Kevin Mccarthy of California signaled a willingnes­s to engage on the issue.

“I think there’s a lot of concepts that we agree upon,“Mccarthy told reporters.

It was a changed tone to match a national mood that is shifting after the death of Floyd and many other Americans at the hands of police, especially as ubiquitous cellphones often catch videos of the incidents.

 ?? Al Drago / Getty Images ?? A group of GOP senators led by South Carolina’s Tim Scott is meeting behind closed doors and with the White House on a bill about policing changes in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
Al Drago / Getty Images A group of GOP senators led by South Carolina’s Tim Scott is meeting behind closed doors and with the White House on a bill about policing changes in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
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