San Antonio Express-News

Impeach and convict Trump, and do it now

- By Bret Stephens

It wasn’t hard to see, when it began, that it would end exactly the way it has. Donald Trump is America’s willful arsonist, the man who lit the match under the fabric of our constituti­onal republic.

The duty of the House of Representa­tives and the Senate, is to reconvene as quickly as possible to impeach the president and then remove him from office and bar him from ever holding office again.

To allow Trump to serve out his term, however brief it may be, puts the nation’s safety at risk, leaves our reputation as a democracy in tatters and evades the inescapabl­e truth that the assault on Congress was an act of violent sedition aided and abetted by a lawless, immoral and terrifying president.

From the moment Trump became the GOP front-runner in 2015, it was obvious who he was and where, if given the chance, he would take America. He was a malignant narcissist in his person. A fraudster in his businesses. A bully in his relationsh­ips. And a demagogue in his politics.

He did not have ideas. He had bigotries. He did not have a coalition. He had crowds. He did not have character. He had a quality of confident shamelessn­ess, the kind that offered his followers permission to be shameless, too.

All this was obvious — but was not enough to stop him. America in 2015 had many problems, many of which had gone too long ignored and were ripe for popu

list exploitati­on. But by far the biggest problem of that year was that a major political party capitulate­d to a thug.

Think of Mike Pompeo, our sycophanti­c secretary of state, who in March 2016 warned that Trump would be “an authoritar­ian president who ignored our Constituti­on,” and who, after the election had been called for Biden in November, promised “a smooth transition to a second Trump administra­tion.”

The Republican Party is now walking to the edge of moral irredeemab­ility. I say this as someone who, until 2016, had always voted the straight Republican ticket and who, until this week, had hoped that Republican­s would hold the Senate as a

way of tilting the Biden administra­tion to the center. I say this also of the party generally, and not of the courageous individual Republican­s — Brad Raffensper­ger, Mitt Romney, Denver Riggleman, Larry Hogan, Ben Sasse (the list is depressing­ly short) — who have preserved their principles, maintained their honor and kept their heads these past five years.

But there is no getting away from the extent to which leading party members and their cheerleade­rs in the right-wing media are complicit in creating the political atmosphere in which this Visigothic sacking of the Capitol took place.

The legal hucksters, from Rudy Giuliani to Mark Levin, who pro

moted demonstrab­ly debunkable claims about electoral fraud, are complicit. All of those supposedly sober-minded conservati­ves who encouraged the president to “pursue his legal options” are complicit. The 126 House Republican­s who signed on to the prepostero­us brief supporting the Texas lawsuit to overturn the election — flicked away in a single paragraph by the Supreme Court — are complicit. Ted Cruz, whom I once described as a “serpent covered in Vaseline” but who turns out to be considerab­ly worse, is complicit. Josh Hawley and the rest of the Senate cynics, who tried to obstruct Biden’s election certificat­ion in a transparen­t bid to corner the market on Trumpian craziness, are complicit. Mike Pence, who cravenly humored Trump’s fantasies right till the moment of constituti­onal truth, is complicit.

Some of these charlatans are now trying to disavow Wednesday’s violence in carefully phrased tweets. But Cruz, Hawley, Pence and the other BitterEnde­rs have done far more lasting damage to Congress than the mob that — merely by following their lead — physically trashed it. Broken doors can be fixed. Broken parties cannot.

Above all there is the president, not complicit but wholly, undeniably and unforgivab­ly responsibl­e.

For five years, Republican­s let him degrade political culture by normalizin­g his behavior. For five years, they let him wage war on democratic norms and institutio­ns. For five years, they treated his nonstop mendacity as a quirk of character, not a disqualifi­cation for office. For five years, they treated his rallies as carnivals of democracy, not as training grounds for mob rule.

For five years, they thought this was costless. On Wednesday — forgive the cliché, but it’s apt here — their chickens came home to roost.

Every decent society depends for its survival on its ability to be shocked — and stay shocked — by genuinely shocking behavior. Donald Trump’s entire presidency has been an assault on that idea.

There is only one prescripti­on for it now. Impeach the president and remove him from office now. Ban him forever from office now. Let every American know that, in the age of Trump, there are some things that can never be allowed to stand, most of all Trump himself.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press ?? Police draw their guns as protesters try to break into the House chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. A full rebuke of President Donald Trump and this behavior requires impeachmen­t.
J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press Police draw their guns as protesters try to break into the House chamber at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. A full rebuke of President Donald Trump and this behavior requires impeachmen­t.
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