San Antonio Express-News

An American narrative of returning power to the people

- By Dale Schlundt Dale Schlundt is a faculty member at Palo Alto College.

The 2020 election has brought multiple constituti­onal topics to the forefront of daily discussion­s. The method by which the U.S. elects its president and the subsequent peaceful transfer of power are part of a larger theme that has come to define our nation.

For instance, the 22nd Amendment placed a constituti­onal prohibitio­n on an individual being elected to more than two terms as president. However, even prior to its ratificati­on in 1951, only one president had been elected to more than two terms: Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won four. Still, a trend of returning power prevailed.

The precedent of a president stepping down and giving back this power was set by George Washington. It was not the first such example, either. Following the conclusion of the War of Independen­ce, Washington also resigned as commander in chief of the Continenta­l Army.

Washington would once again relinquish power — at the end of his second term as president. Unfortunat­ely, perhaps too much credit is given to Washington for his decision to step down. Personal and selfservin­g reasons were undoubtedl­y the primary catalyst for Washington’s retirement. Yet the precedent Washington set, even if was unintentio­nal, has had an unquestion­able influence on subsequent elections.

For example, Thomas Jefferson, as the end of his second term grew near, pointed to Washington when explaining why a third term would not be sought. “I should unwillingl­y be the person who, disregardi­ng the sound precedent set by an illustriou­s predecesso­r, should furnish the first example of prolongati­on beyond the second term of office,” he stated.

Jefferson’s words are far from the sole evidence that Washington’s precedent was, in a word, real. As the Congressio­nal Research Service suggests, “Jefferson’s decision acquired the force of tradition, at least in the short run, and was frequently attributed to Washington. Three of Jefferson’s four immediate successors, Madison, Monroe, and Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), who, arguably, would have been able to secure re-election, retired at the close of their second terms.”

The public discourse of numerous eras illustrate­s that it was not just a few who subscribed to the belief that term limits were advantageo­us and that the historical precedent from where it originated was part of our American fabric. Legislatur­es, political organizati­ons, newspapers and the public all partook. Term limits have been a hotly debated issue throughout America’s history.

Ulysses S. Grant apparently had quiet ambitions to run for a third term. The Civil War hero’s failure to initially reject the idea of breaking Washington’s precedent during his second term created a stir. Researcher Stephen W. Stathis notes the futility in seeking a third term became apparent when the House of Representa­tive condemned any such move. The 1875 resolution read, “Precedent establishe­d by Washington and other presidents of the United States, in retiring from the presidenti­al office after their second term, has become, by universal concurrenc­e, a part of our republican system of government.”

FDR successful­ly broke the two-term precedent. Yet it was the electorate that allowed Roosevelt to do so. As academics Tom Ginsburg, James Melton and Zachary Elkins assert, “no doubt some unspecifie­d number of voters who might have otherwise been inclined to vote for him declined to do so because of the unwritten limitation.”

One could suggest even when Washington’s precedent was broken, its influence was still present. Within a few years of Roosevelt’s election to a fourth term, the 22nd Amendment would be ratified.

Let us remember that the topic of returning power to the people is not confined to the presidency. The expansion of the right to vote for presidenti­al electors to individual citizens through a popular vote (previously chosen by state legislatur­es) may be cited. The 15th Amendment barred race as disqualifi­cation for voting. The 17th Amendment created a direct vote for U.S. senators (previously chosen by state legislatur­es). The 19th Amendment expanded the vote to women.

Countless steppingst­ones have led America to this point. The discussion­s the American public is having today are remarkably similar to those of the framers of the Constituti­on. If we want to see from where our rights and freedoms originate, we need not look any further than ourselves.

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