San Antonio Express-News

Super Quiz


Take this Super Quiz to a Ph. D. Score. 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph. D. Level.

Subject: FOOD AND DRINK (e.g., Matthew 6:11: Give us this day our daily ____. Answer: Bread.) FRESHMAN LEVEL

1. Exodus 3:17: “... a land flowing with _____.” Answer________

2. Bible: The food that God gave to the Israelites after they escaped from Egypt. Answer________

3. What food product is associated with the name Orville Redenbache­r? Answer________ GRADUATE LEVEL

4. Identify the advertisin­g logo and mascot of Planters. Answer________

5. This advice tells you not to worry about unfortunat­e events that have already happened. Answer________

6. It’s the state fruit of both Georgia and South Carolina. Answer________


7. Menudo is a traditiona­l Mexican _____.


8. This five-letter word means a type of very thin pancake. Answer________

9. Two-word term for a small, round, very choice cut of beef from the loin. Answer________

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