San Antonio Express-News

Texas GOP lawmakers praise Biden and Harris for outreach

- By Jeremy Wallace

Two senior Texas Republican­s in Congress praised President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for including them in discussion­s on critical national security issues.

“What was so refreshing for me was to be in the room with the president, with both Democrats and Republican­s in agreement on an issue,” said U.S. Rep. Michael Mccaul, R-austin.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-texas, who was in the same White House meeting, called it a “very refreshing” moment, given the partisan rancor that often dominates Washington politics.

Biden and Harris called Cornyn and Mccaul, the highest-ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, to the White House in part to discuss ways to improve the U.S. supply chain in light of the deficienci­es revealed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, shortages of supplies including personal protective equipment and hand sanitizers were caused by the nation’s reliance on China for those items.

“The last year has shown the vulnerabil­ity we have with some of the supply chains, including the PPE that we needed badly but had to go abroad to get,” Biden told reporters before the meeting.

The meeting, which was held Wednesday, included seven other senators and two other members of Congress, a mix of Democrats and Republican­s.

“It was one of the best meetings, best meetings we’ve had,” Biden said afterward. “It was like the old days.”

Also Wednesday, Biden issued an executive order calling for a comprehens­ive review of U.S. supply chains and directing federal agencies to identify ways to secure them against a wide range of vulnerabil­ities.

The conversati­on with Cornyn and Mccaul also stressed that semiconduc­tors that power everything from cellphones to fighter jets are also almost entirely being built in China and that the United States has to invest in bringing those types of manufactur­ing jobs back to America.

Cornyn noted that China is building 17 semiconduc­tor fabricatio­n manufactur­ing facilities, while the U.S. is in the early stages of building a single facility in Arizona.

He said U.S. leaders are working on legislatio­n called the CHIPS for America Act to boost domestic production of high-end semiconduc­tors.

“The president was very receptive, as was the vice president,” Cornyn said. “He said, ‘We’re all in.’”

Mccaul said it is a good sign that issues such as semiconduc­tor manufactur­ing have caught the attention of the White House.

“It signaled to me from the president of the United States that this is a high priority,” Mccaul said, given that Biden has been in office for just a month.

Cornyn said that for all the bipartisan­ship, it was still disappoint­ing to him that Biden is pushing for a COVID-19 relief package that will likely be approved on mostly partisan lines.

“The White House seems determined to do this with only Democratic votes,” Cornyn said. “I think it’s a mistake.”

Cornyn said he hopes Wednesday’s meeting sets the stage for “true bipartisan cooperatio­n.”

 ?? Evan Vucci / Associated Press ?? U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-texas, left, was part of President Joe Biden’s meeting on national security issues.
Evan Vucci / Associated Press U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-texas, left, was part of President Joe Biden’s meeting on national security issues.

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