San Antonio Express-News

Flawed energy policy left Texans exposed


Nobody is ever fully prepared for natural disaster. When hurricanes, blizzards or tsunamis strike they always reveal weaknesses — failure to plan, failure to invest in precaution­s.

The disaster in Texas, however, was different. The collapse of the Texas power grid didn’t just reveal a few shortcomin­gs. It showed that the entire philosophy behind the state’s energy policy is wrong. And it also showed that the state is run by people who will resort to blatant lies rather than admit their mistakes.

Texas isn’t the only state with a largely deregulate­d electricit­y market. It has, however, pushed deregulati­on further than anyone else. There is an upper limit on wholesale electricit­y prices, but it’s stratosphe­rically high. And there is essentiall­y no prudential regulation — no requiremen­ts that utilities maintain reserve capacity or invest in things like insulation to limit the effects of extreme weather.

The theory was that no such regulation was necessary because the magic of the market would take care of everything. After all, a surge in demand or a disruption of supply — both of which happened in the deep freeze — will lead to high prices and hence to big profits for any power supplier that manages to keep operating. So there should be incentives to invest in robust systems, precisely to take advantage of events like those Texas just experience­d.

Texas energy policy was based on the idea that you can treat electricit­y like avocados. Do people remember the great avocado shortage of 2019? Surging demand and a bad crop in California led to spiking prices, but nobody called for a special inquest and new regulation­s on avocado producers.

In fact, some people see nothing wrong with what happened in Texas in the past week. William Hogan, the Harvard professor widely considered the architect of the Texas system, asserted that drastic price increases, while “not convenient,” were how the system was supposed to work.

But kilowatt-hours aren’t avocados, and there are at least three big reasons pretending that they are is a recipe for disaster.

First, electricit­y is essential to modern life in a way few other commoditie­s can match. Having to go without avocado toast won’t kill you; having to go without electricit­y, especially when your house relies on it for heat, can.

And it’s extremely doubtful whether even the prospect of sky-high profits during a shortage offers energy suppliers enough incentive to take the huge human and economic costs of a protracted power outage into account.

Second, electricit­y is supplied by a system — and precaution­ary investment by one player in the system does no good if the other players fail to do the same. Even if the owner of a gas-fired power plant insulates and winterizes its turbines, it can’t function if the gas pipeline that supplies its fuel, or the wellhead that provides the gas, freeze up.

So does the free market ensure that the whole system works under stress? Probably not.

Last but not least, a system that depends on the incentives offered by extremely high prices in times of crisis isn’t workable, practicall­y or politicall­y.

At first, those Texans who didn’t lose power in the big freeze considered themselves lucky. But then the bills arrived — and some families found themselves being charged thousands of dollars for a few days of electricit­y.

Possibly the most revealing remark of the Texas crisis so far was a tweet by, of all people, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-cancún), who fumed that “no power company should get a windfall because of a natural disaster” and called on “state and local regulators” to “prevent this injustice.”

The senator, not known for self-awareness, may not realize what he did there. But if even Ted Cruz — Ted Cruz! — believes that regulators should prevent power companies from reaping windfall profits in a disaster, that eliminates any private-sector financial incentive to prepare for such a disaster. And that, in turn, destroys the entire premise behind radical deregulati­on.

So will the Republican­s who hold all of Texas’ statewide offices learn from this debacle and rethink their whole approach to energy policy? Of course not. Their immediate reaction was to falsely blame the crisis on wind power and lash out at advocates of a Green New Deal — even though something like a Green New Deal, that is, public investment in energy infrastruc­ture, is exactly what Texas needs.

And one thing we’ve definitely learned over the past few months is that once politician­s commit themselves to a Big Lie, whether it involves epidemiolo­gy, economics or election results, there’s no turning back.

But while the right-wing political-media complex can’t and won’t learn anything from the Texas power debacle, the rest of us can. We’ve just been offered a clear view of the dark (and cold) side of free-market fundamenta­lism. And that’s a lesson we shouldn’t forget.

 ?? Jay Janner / Associated Press ?? A woman in Austin is helped by relief workers. A deregulate­d power market left millions of Texans out in the cold, but are lawmakers willing to make the right fixes?
Jay Janner / Associated Press A woman in Austin is helped by relief workers. A deregulate­d power market left millions of Texans out in the cold, but are lawmakers willing to make the right fixes?

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