San Antonio Express-News

Biden administra­tion opens probe into Trump-era attacks on science

- By Lisa Friedman

The Biden administra­tion will investigat­e Trump-era political interferen­ce in science across the government, the first step in what White House officials described as a sweeping effort to rebuild a demoralize­d federal workforce and prevent future abuses.

In a letter to the leaders of all federal agencies, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy announced Monday the formation of a task force aimed at identifyin­g past tampering in scientific decisions.

It will review the effectiven­ess of policies that were supposed to protect the science that informs policy decisions from inappropri­ate political influence and develop policies for the future.

“We know that there were blatant attempts to distort, to cherry pick and disregard science — we saw that across multiple agencies,” Jane Lubchenco, the new deputy director for climate and the environmen­t at the White House science office, said in an interview.

The Biden administra­tion, she said, is “ushering in a new era.”

Kelvin K. Droegemeie­r, who oversaw the White House science office during the Trump administra­tion, declined to provide comment on the Biden administra­tion’s plans when reached through a former aide.

Former President Donald Trump’s disregard for science was regularly on display in his various efforts to belittle masks, dismiss the need for social distancing and declare cold snaps to be evidence against global warming.

Behind the scenes, federal scientists said that Trump and his top political officials also routinely sidelined researcher­s who worked on issues the administra­tion disliked, like climate change; disregarde­d studies that identified serious health risks from certain chemicals; and meddled in scientific decision-making, particular­ly around the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alondra Nelson, deputy director for science and society at the White House science office, said that scientists across the government would review “Trump-era policies that eschewed science for politics” and develop new safeguards.

While the review may uncover or substantia­te more instances of political tampering in science, White House officials acknowledg­ed that there are few avenues for holding Trump administra­tion officials to account for past actions.

They also said that was not the point.

“The goal won’t be to look backward,” Nelson said. “The goal will be to try to implement practices and policies that prevent anything that might be uncovered from happening again.”

She and Lubchenco said that it remained unclear whether the office would develop one new government­wide scientific integrity policy or move to strengthen rules at individual agencies around things like improving transparen­cy or prohibitin­g abuses like suppressio­n and distortion of findings.

“Citizens need to trust the informatio­n from the federal government,” Lubchenco said.

The move follows a plan already underway at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency to create a public accounting of decisions in which politics undermined science.

Mandy Gunasekara, who served as chief of staff at the EPA under the Trump administra­tion, maintained that all the agency’s decisions were rooted in scientific advice from career staff and criticized the effort as an attempt to delegitimi­ze work done over the past four years.

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