San Antonio Express-News

Biden bold with $1.9 trillion here, $2 trillion there

- By Gail Collins

Maybe historians will look back on this as the year of Old Power.

Think about it. Older people, who were some of the first in line for the vaccine shots, are now being celebrated as the leaders of the POST-COVID social scene. “Good news: I just got vaccinated!” tweeted Steve Martin. “Bad news: I got it because I’m 75.”

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, 78, is going like a house on fire. A few weeks ago, Congress passed his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. Now he’s introducin­g the world to his $2 trillion infrastruc­ture plan. Second big whopper of an initiative from a guy lots of Americans expected to be sort of mild, like a mellow aging uncle who might own a very nippy German shepherd.

Everything Biden is big! This infrastruc­ture plan is so large it’s going to require a lot of pondering on the part of serious citizens. Your first question is probably going to be … What exactly is a trillion? OK, I know it doesn’t come up in your normal check-balancing. A trillion is a thousand billions, and the next thing after that would be a quadrillio­n, which is 1,000 trillions. A quadrillio­n is … a lot. If you traveled back in time a quadrillio­n seconds you’d be able to watch the Antarctic ice sheet form. We’re talking about 31.7 million years.

The Biden infrastruc­ture plan does not go into quadrillio­ns — some progressiv­es don’t think it even goes into enough trillions. (“This is not nearly enough,” tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasiocort­ez.) But still, it’s a hell of an ambitious enterprise, one that would, as Jim Tankersley reported in the New York Times, “overhaul the economy and remake American capitalism.”

OK, question two — what exactly is infrastruc­ture? First, we tend to think about roads. Everybody loves roads. Well, maybe not the one they’re planning to run right through your backyard. But the ones you need to get to work, to school, to drive to visit your friends and family. Dwight Eisenhower will always be remembered as the president who gave us the national highway system, and we still look back on him as a good guy. (True, he was also supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II. Take your pick.)

Will Joe Biden be remembered as the supreme commander of the American Overhaul? Besides fixing up 20,000 miles of roads, he wants to do everything from electrifyi­ng yellow school bus fleets to getting rid of lead pipes that taint the water supply to making a $400 billion commitment to helping the elderly and disabled.

“A Trojan horse for massive tax hikes and other job-killing left-wing policies,” steamed Mitch Mcconnell, 79. What Mitch hates most is the fact that Biden is actually paying for much of what he wants to spend, through higher taxes on corporatio­ns.

The Republican Party used to believe in balanced budgets, but it’s been awhile. These days a new Republican president, be he George W. Bush or Donald Trump, starts off with a sweeping tax cut that leaves the government sloshing in the red. Ronald Reagan theorized that if he cut taxes, Congress would automatica­lly cut spending to match the new bottom line. He called it “starving the beast,” although not a single beast even suffered a serious burp.

“‘Starve’ didn’t work, no,” said Eric Toder of the Urbanbrook­ings Tax Policy Center. “And by the time Clinton became president, he was really hemmed in.”

So, expect resistance from the Republican­s on those tax hikes. But there’s a whole lot of other stuff that they’re going to find very attractive. It’s hard to imagine politician­s throwing their bodies in front of a plan that’s going to fix their downtown bridge and get broadband service out to the folks in remote areas.

One of the many wonderful things about Biden’s proposal is the way it differs from Donald Trump’s. Remember the first Trump Infrastruc­ture Week? He couldn’t quite figure out what to put in the package, so he started out with a call to privatize the air traffic control system.

Didn’t work out, although Trump still really loved talking about infrastruc­ture. And having Weeks! Like American Dream Week, which he celebrated with a call for a 50 percent cut in legal immigratio­n.

In the end, that Infrastruc­ture Week was a bust for highways and trains and such. But Trump figured he was a huge success, since he counted all his spending on the Mexico wall as infrastruc­ture.

Then, in 2019, Trump scheduled an infrastruc­ture meeting with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. They were invited to discuss a $2 trillion plan! Shades of … now. But when the president arrived at the meeting, he refused to shake anyone’s hand and said he wasn’t going to talk about stuff like road repair until the Democrats stopped investigat­ing his relationsh­ips with Russia.

Before the Democrats were totally shooed out of the meeting, Trump’s staff had set up a lectern with a big new sign saying “No Collusion, No Obstructio­n.” Small minds might refer to it as one of his better constructi­on projects.

 ?? William Luther / Staff photograph­er ?? Part of President Joe Biden’s infrastruc­ture plan would weatherize power plants and invest in green energy sources. It’s bold and ambitious, so, of course, Republican­s have ripped it.
William Luther / Staff photograph­er Part of President Joe Biden’s infrastruc­ture plan would weatherize power plants and invest in green energy sources. It’s bold and ambitious, so, of course, Republican­s have ripped it.
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