San Antonio Express-News

Trip to the vet should follow odd pet behavior

Dear Heloise: My dog suddenly has black stools. What could that mean? Hilda S. in Texas


Hilda, black stools can be serious. It might mean that the dog is passing blood from a digestive upset, an infection, an injury, or even cancer.

It also could result simply from eating dark-colored foods. A trip to the veterinari­an is called for; bring a sample and be prepared to talk about any oddities in the dog’s behavior.


Dear Readers: Marlene D. sent a picture of her precious recue cat Angel. Angel is a most extraordin­ary cat, Marlene says, and she and her husband are crazy about her. She has two marks on her back that look very distinctly like angel wings.

Angel has surrounded herself with her Valentine cards. To see Angel and our other Pet Pals, visit and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Do you have a funny and furry friend? Email a picture and descriptio­n to Heloise

Dear Heloise: We had a mice problem at our ranch house, so it was time to get innovative. This might sound odd, but bear with me.

I took clumps of used cat litter and left it around the house, inside and out. The mice got the message (that a cat is here) evidently, because we haven’t seen any mice since.

The odor was not bad to me; it can vary, of course, and may be offensive to some.

Nancy O. in Texas

Dear Heloise: I’ve been following you for years and years! I believe in recycling and upcycling. Especially during the pandemic, I’ve received many deliveries in boxes. Rather than put them in the recycle bin, I break them down and save them until I have enough to give away. I remove personal labels and offer the boxes for free on the many social media platforms.

Usually within four hours, the boxes are all gone; people always need boxes for whatever reason. I ask the people to please pay it forward.

Vicki C. in Fredericks­burg, Va.

Dear Readers: Spring is upon us, and you may be heading to the lake. Spot some ducks and want to feed them? Please don’t grab bread.

Bread does not contain the correct nutrition and calories for ducks and birds. Birds of all varieties cannot digest bread; bread in the water causes pollution; foul-smelling water and algae can kill fish and also give birds disease.

What are good foods to feed ducks? Here are some ideas: cut seedless grapes, cooked rice, birdseed, cooked peas and corn, oats and chopped lettuce. Heloise

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or Email:

 ?? HELOISE ??

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