San Antonio Express-News

Discussion­s of race absent in Georgia trial

- By Tariro Mzezewa, Giulia Heyward and Richard Fausset

BRUNSWICK, Ga. — When Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old Black man, was chased through a Georgia neighborho­od by three white men and shot at close range, his killing was widely viewed as an act of racial violence.

One of the men uttered a racist slur moments after shooting Arbery, one of his co-defendants told authoritie­s. One of the trucks the men were in had a vanity plate with a Confederat­e flag symbol on it.

And yet over 10 days of testimony in a South Georgia courtroom, jurors heard no discussion of race or allegation­s of bigotry. Prosecutor­s largely shied away from the issue, despite chances to ask about it as they presented their case.

The absence has been notable, given that prosecutor­s signaled early on that they might make race an important aspect of their case.

On Thursday, Linda Dunikoski, the lead prosecutor, asked permission to tell the jury about the claim that Travis Mcmichael had used a racist slur — an allegation that Mcmichael’s lawyers have contested. Dunikoski faced significan­t legal hurdles in getting such evidence introduced. But before the judge could rule on the matter, the defense rested its case, and she declined her right to present rebuttal witnesses after hours of cross-examining Mcmichael on the stand.

Still, the absence of any overt discussion about race in court surprised legal experts and sparked disagreeme­nts over the wisdom of a prosecutio­n strategy that might have been influenced by the fact that 11 of the 12 jurors are white.

“I’m at a loss,” Esther Panitch, a legal analyst and longtime Atlantabas­ed criminal defense lawyer, said Thursday. “While the state doesn’t have the obligation to prove motivation, jurors certainly would want to know what would motivate defendants to commit a crime like this.”

The state murder trial, which is unfolding in the small coastal city of Brunswick, close to the site of the shooting, is not the last word on whether the defendants — Mcmichael; his father, Gregory Mcmichael; and their neighbor William Bryan — were motivated by racial animus: A federal hate crimes trial looms for all three men in February.

But in Brunswick in recent days, the gulf between the limited story presented in court and the broader story being told beyond earshot of the jurors seemed to yawn wider than ever.

Push to ban Black pastors

Kevin Gough, the lawyer for Bryan, has repeatedly introduced race into the public narrative by arguing that the presence of prominent civil rights leaders in the courtroom, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King III, could influence the jury. “We don’t want any more Black pastors coming in here,” he said at one juncture. Gough, following the rules of the court, has always made those comments while the jury was out of the room.

He was joined this week by Jason Sheffield, a lawyer for Travis Mcmichael, who said the jurors needed to be shielded from the “national conversati­on” that the case had generated.

Gough’s comments were widely criticized and prompted Sharpton’s National Action Network to invite scores of Black pastors to Brunswick on Thursday to show support for the Arbery family.

In theory, none of this is known to jurors, who, at the close of each day in court, have been instructed by Judge Timothy R. Walmsley not to seek out outside informatio­n about the case.

Instead, jurors heard repeated, detailed accounts of the way in which the three men chased Arbery through their neighborho­od and were asked to consider whether they had legal grounds to do so. The defense told jurors that the men had cause to believe Arbery was a burglar amid a series of break-ins in the neighborho­od. Dunikoski argued that they pursued him based on what she described as flimsy “assumption­s and driveway decisions.”

They heard that Gregory Mcmichael had told police officers that Arbery had been “trapped like a rat” before he was shot. And jurors were shown the graphic video filmed by Bryan that shows Travis Mcmichael shooting Arbery three times with a shotgun.

Weighing the tactical risks

A spokespers­on for the Cobb County district attorney declined to comment on the prosecutio­n’s strategy. But Paul Butler, a former federal prosecutor and professor at Georgetown University Law Center, said the lopsided number of white jurors might have played a role in the prosecutio­n’s decision to not be more aggressive in framing the case in racial terms. Before the jury was empaneled, prosecutor­s tried unsuccessf­ully to convince the judge to block the defense’s move to bar a number of Black potential jurors.

“I’m sure the fact that it’s a virtually all-white jury matters,” Butler said. “There’s a risk when race talk is introduced in a trial, so the prosecutor­s I think obviously saw a risk of introducin­g evidence about race.”

Carlson said the introducti­on of racial themes also ran the risk that an appellate court might eventually rule such evidence to be overly prejudicia­l. And if prosecutor­s felt this week that they were winning, Carlson said, they might have decided the risk was not worth it.

Before the trial, defense lawyers had insisted that the case was far from the modern-day “lynching” that people such as Sharpton had described it as but instead a legal attempt to make a citizen’s arrest under state law at the time. Robert Rubin, a lawyer for Travis Mcmichael, said the case was about the “duty and responsibi­lity” to keep the neighborho­od safe and noted the numerous times that Arbery had been spotted making unauthoriz­ed visits to a house that was under constructi­on.

Even without any overt discussion of race in open court, said S. Lee Merritt, a lawyer representi­ng the Arbery family in a civil case, the defense seemed to be “leaning in on the benefits of racial bias that they hope exists on the jury” by arguing that it was incumbent upon the defendants to confront “this outside danger, this mysterious Black man.”

Butler, the Georgetown law professor, believes that the prosecutio­n should have brought up the issue of racial motivation before it rested its case. “If there is a verdict of not guilty, I think the prosecutio­n’s failure to use the evidence of racism by the defendants will be blamed,” he said.

Still, John Perry, a pastor and former president of the local NAACP chapter, said it was “refreshing” that the jury was not dealing with the race issue. “The facts by themselves are strong enough to show what these men did,” he said. “When you get into race, you get into intent, and I don’t know how their intent could be proven.”

Allen Booker, a Brunswick city commission­er who represents a majority of its Black residents, said that regardless of what was discussed in court, he assumed the jurors understood that race was a factor in the case.

“If the 11 white people and the one Black person that live here don’t know that this case is about race, they could spend a year on it and still wouldn’t know it,” he said. “They know.”

 ?? Nicole Craine / New York Times ?? Protesters gather outside the courthouse in Brunswick, Ga. Many observers say Ahmaud Arbery’s death is a prominent example of racial violence, but prosecutor­s have avoided that characteri­zation.
Nicole Craine / New York Times Protesters gather outside the courthouse in Brunswick, Ga. Many observers say Ahmaud Arbery’s death is a prominent example of racial violence, but prosecutor­s have avoided that characteri­zation.

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