San Antonio Express-News

GOP has seen major shift on gay marriage

- By Mary Clare Jalonick

WASHINGTON — When asked if he’d support legislatio­n to protect same-sex marriage, one conservati­ve Republican senator was almost nonchalant.

“I see no reason to oppose it,” Ron Johnson of Wisconsin told reporters, bringing Democrats one vote closer to an unexpected victory as they move to safeguard same-sex marriage and other rights after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide.

Johnson’s answer, which came after 47 Republican­s voted for the bill in the House last week, was reflective of a stark shift in GOP positionin­g after decades of fighting same-sex marriage. Ten years ago, most Republican­s proudly espoused that marriage could only be between a man and a woman. Now, a federal law protecting samesex marriage is within reach in an election year, with some Republican backing.

The signal of possible support from Johnson — arguably the most vulnerable Republican senator up for re-election this year — comes as Wisconsin’s other senator, Tammy Baldwin, is the lead Democrat charged with persuading the necessary 10 Republican­s to vote for the bill. Baldwin, who is the first openly gay senator and has been working on gay rights issues since she first entered state politics in 1986, says the “world has changed,” especially since the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision upholding same-sex marriage.

A Gallup poll conducted in May showed broad support for same-sex marriage, with 71 percent of U.S. adults saying they think such unions should be recognized by law, including 55 percent of Republican­s. Polling in Wisconsin mirrors that national survey, with 54 percent of Republican­s in the state saying they favor same-sex marriage in a Marquette Law School poll from April. In May 2014, the state poll found support from only 23 percent of Republican­s.

“People began to see that the sky has not fallen,” Baldwin said in an interview, and that the 2015 decision gave legal protection­s to families who did not previously have them. She says every member of Congress now has friends, family or staff who are openly gay.

“That probably has the biggest impact on where people land,” she said. “This is a vote of conscience.”

GOP support

The bill pending in the Senate would repeal the Clinton-era Defense of Marriage Act that allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages and instead require states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were performed. The new Respect for Marriage Act would also protect interracia­l marriages by requiring states to recognize legal marriages regardless of “sex, race, ethnicity or national origin.”

A vote could come as soon as next week, but it will more likely be in September when Congress returns from an August recess.

Republican Sens. Rob Portman

of Ohio, Susan Collins of Maine and Thom Tillis of North Carolina have also said they will vote for the legislatio­n; Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski has also supported same-sex marriage in the past. Several other Republican­s have said they are undecided, including Utah Sen. Mitt Romney, Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst and Indiana Sen. Mike Braun.

Notably silent is Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell of Kentucky, who has declined to comment until Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer holds a vote.

Baldwin and other advocates say more GOP senators are quietly contemplat­ing the bill. Democrats need 10 Republican votes to overcome a filibuster and get a bill through the 50-50 Senate.

A range of Republican­s voted for the bill in the House, including Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, the No. 3 House Republican; Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvan­ia, the chair of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus; and all four Republican members of Utah’s congressio­nal delegation.

Still, the majority of House Republican­s voted against it, and a similar dynamic is expected in the Senate.

GOP opposition

Republican­s opposing the bill give a variety of reasons, with most arguing that the Supreme Court is unlikely to overturn Obergefell and that Senate Democrats are playing politics by putting the bill on the floor. Democrats point to Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion to the June ruling overturnin­g Roe in which he said high court rulings protecting samesex marriage and the right for couples to use contracept­ion should also be reconsider­ed.

Asked about their opposition, many Republican­s have focused on the process rather than the substance.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who is up for re-election this year, told CNN last week that he thinks the bill is a “stupid waste of time.” He said later that he believes “there is zero chance, below zero chance, that the Supreme Court or anyone is going to outlaw gay marriage in this country.”

Even Johnson blamed Democrats as he said he was unlikely to oppose it, arguing that it was settled law and the vote is unnecessar­y. He said he still believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But “society has pretty well accepted it and moved on,” he said.

Other Republican­s have made similar arguments, shifting from the more ideologica­lly rigid statements of years past.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who will vote against the bill, said he recognizes that “reasonable people can disagree” with him that marriage should be between a man and a woman, “and there is room for a diversity of views on that question.”

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota says he will vote against it “unless I can be compelled somehow.” He says he believes because of his evangelica­l Christian faith that marriage is between a man and a woman, but “it’s not like I feel super strongly about it, either.”

Cramer said he thinks the Senate will get the 60 votes needed to pass the bill. “It’s more that people are ambivalent about it,” he said.

Ohio’s Portman, who is pushing to get more votes from his party, notes that public opinion has changed substantia­lly over the years. He has supported same-sex marriage since 2013, when he announced that one of his sons is gay and that he believes people should be respected for who they are.

He faced criticism from some fellow Republican­s at the time, but he says people now come up to him frequently to thank him for his support.

David Stacy, a lead lobbyist for the Human Rights Campaign, says advocates for samesex marriage faced many setbacks in the early 2000s, including state ballot measures to ban gay marriages. But he says he believes Republican­s created a backlash of sorts by trying to use the issue against Democrats.

While the advocates lost many of those fights, “we were educating the public and moving public opinion,” Stacy said.

 ?? Associated Press file photo ?? A person holds a rainbow flag at a Washington rally backing the LGBTQ community. A bill in the Senate would require states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were held.
Associated Press file photo A person holds a rainbow flag at a Washington rally backing the LGBTQ community. A bill in the Senate would require states to recognize all marriages that were legal where they were held.
 ?? Kevin Dietsch/getty Images ?? If lawmakers limited access to assault weapons, a reader says, they would prevent mass shootings and really be “pro-life.”
Kevin Dietsch/getty Images If lawmakers limited access to assault weapons, a reader says, they would prevent mass shootings and really be “pro-life.”

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