San Antonio Express-News

North American competitiv­eness hinges on free trade

- By Gerald Schwebel Gerald Schwebel is executive vice president of IBC Bank and was a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce delegation to the North American Leaders Summit in Mexico City.

Three decades ago, visionary leaders from the United States, Canada and Mexico began laying the groundwork for supply chain networks based in North America. Now, more than ever, we must continue building on that foundation to create a resilient economy that generates greater prosperity and opportunit­y for more people.

Following the implementa­tion of the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, in 1994, trade among the three countries skyrockete­d. Just over a decade later, in 2006, trade between NAFTA partners had almost tripled, from $304 billion to $903 billion. The North American Free Trade Agreement allowed businesses and workers in the United States, Mexico and Canada to be more globally competitiv­e.

Despite the successful example of North American-based supply chains offered by the automotive and other industries, it wasn’t until 2020 and the onset of the COVID pandemic that business and political leaders in all three nations realized the full potential, desirabili­ty and necessity of nearshorin­g and on-shoring. The pandemic exposed the economic and national security dangers of our dependence on far-flung supply chain networks.

The pandemic’s onset also coincided with the implementa­tion of NAFTA’S successor, the United States-mexico-canada Agreement, or USMCA, with enhancemen­ts to agricultur­al market access, intellectu­al property, digital trade, financial services, labor and other areas.

The work to improve North American economic competitiv­eness continues. Private sector leaders representi­ng the United States Chamber of Commerce, Mexico’s Consejo Coordinado­r Empresaria­l and the Business Council of Canada meet regularly to identify policy priorities and share best practices for North American global competitiv­eness.

At the North American Leaders Summit in Mexico City in January, representa­tives of the three business groups highlighte­d three policy areas to prioritize. First, they called on elected leaders to continue to align policies that safeguard our shared supply chains and strengthen our preparedne­ss for future disruption­s and crises.

Second, they highlighte­d addressing outstandin­g issues that have delayed the full implementa­tion of USMCA. One sticking point is the Mexican government’s plan to ban geneticall­y modified corn imports for human consumptio­n. In a letter to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the business leaders wrote: “Compliance with our science-based North American trade commitment­s will enable us to meet the food needs of our population­s and the world, improve our environmen­t and advance the prosperity of the people working in our agricultur­e-related industries.”

Third, the business leaders asked the three government­s to preserve a policy environmen­t conducive to business, investment and economic growth to ensure business certainty and reflect best practices.

With a collective market of more than 500 million people and more than $1 trillion in trade, the USMCA partners now account for almost onethird of global economic activity. We must continue to build on this success to enhance North American economic competitiv­eness, expand prosperity for the residents of our countries and strengthen our supply chains that meet our economic and national security interests.

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