San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)




Iam the proud wife of a symphony musician. My husband has spent the greater part of his life practicing, taking auditions, honing his craft, and yes, even getting to enjoy the fruits of his labor after he won a highly sought-after principal position with the San Diego Symphony. Much like the rest of the world, he could have never imagined that the COVID-19 pandemic would shut down his place of work. Nor that this virus would prevent him from even touching his own instrument for months.

In early March, we went away for a long camping weekend to Joshua Tree National Park as a way to disconnect. And after a few days in the wilderness, we both felt delightful­ly refreshed. Ryan had a busy few months of work ahead of him, and this was just the recharge that he needed. As we drove out of the park and back into civilizati­on, our cell phones started buzzing almost uncontroll­ably with incoming messages. Within moments, we realized that everything had changed overnight. We were leaving behind the beautiful boulders and the famed Joshua Trees, and we were heading back into a very different world.

What started out as the symphony closing for a few weeks has now turned into a break lasting just over four months, with what feels like no hope of returning to work anytime soon. Maybe October, maybe December, maybe not at all until 2021. What you may not be aware of is that a classical music performanc­e has been categorize­d as one of the highest-risk activities. And in the state of California, it will not be reintroduc­ed until Phase 4. Yes, a classical music performanc­e, where the audience sits completely in silence, has been deemed worse than eating out at a restaurant with no facial covering on.

Patrons go to the symphony to listen. To sit and to listen. There is no talking during performanc­es, and you only face the back side of other people’s heads. When you think about it, a classical music performanc­e is the perfect opportunit­y to demonstrat­e a safe and socially distanced entertainm­ent experience. There is no yelling, no eating, and there is absolutely nothing that would require you to take off your facial covering. Sometimes the applause can get a bit excited, but that’s about as rowdy as things get.

So why is it that we can pack airplanes full of people? Why is it that we can go to a nail salon and have someone pick and poke at our cuticles with sharp objects that may or may not be properly sanitized? Why can we go to large amusement parks like Walt Disney World? And why is it that we can eat at restaurant­s surrounded by people with no facial coverings on, but we cannot sit in the quiet of a dark hall to enjoy a little bit of classical music?

Unfortunat­ely, California residents can no longer do many of these activities due to the recent surges in new COVID-19 cases. But looking ahead to when our state will continue to reopen, I would like to ask our governor: Why is a classical music performanc­e categorize­d as such a high-risk activity?

Well, yes, there is the issue of musicians who blow their breath into instrument­s such as the clarinet, the tuba or even the oboe. But I don’t feel that those are challenges that any symphony orchestra could not or will not overcome. After all, what is the difference between using your breath to play an instrument, versus using your breath to eat your plate of food at a restaurant? I can only imagine the great lengths that all symphony orchestras will go to in order to protect the health and safety of musicians and patrons alike. I’m sure that there will be several new protocols such as facial coverings, social distancing, temperatur­e checks, or even protective partitions — all protocols that are already commonplac­e in grocery and retail stores.

Yes, we all want this to be over. And for reasons far more important than just being able to return to work. As much as I would love for the San Diego Symphony to open up their doors tomorrow, and to see my husband joyfully playing away on his drums, I want this done right, and I want this done safely.

I do believe that Gov. Newsom has our best interests at heart. But I would love to know why classical music is being lumped in with attending a major league sports game, a pop or rock concert, or even going to a nightclub in the Gaslamp Quarter, when it’s far more similar to attending a church service. It’s time that the state give us the freedom to create a safe working and performing environmen­t for classical musicians and patrons, instead of continuing to wait for one. Life doesn’t happen by chance, life happens by change. So please, Gov. Newsom, let’s change this, and let’s safely bring the classical music back to San Diego.

Yes, a classical music performanc­e, where the audience sits completely in silence, has been deemed worse than eating out at a restaurant with no facial covering on.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Dilisi is a classicall­y trained violist who fills her days writing for her blog, La Mia Bella Vita, studying Italian, making a mess in the kitchen, and finding new ways to bug her sweet husband, Ryan.
GETTY IMAGES Dilisi is a classicall­y trained violist who fills her days writing for her blog, La Mia Bella Vita, studying Italian, making a mess in the kitchen, and finding new ways to bug her sweet husband, Ryan.

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