San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)


Informatio­n will have to be processed by states to be used


States under pressure to redraw congressio­nal and legislatur­e districts but facing a delay in the release of the needed data may be able to get the numbers in an outdated format in August, more than a month earlier than the planned date for their official release, a U.S. Census Bureau official said Thursday.

The redistrict­ing data will be available in mid- to late-august, but will be in an older data format that may be difficult for some states to work with because extra steps are required to make it usable, Al Fontenot, the bureau’s associate director of decennial census programs, told a Census Bureau advisory committee.

The Census Bureau recently announced that the deadline for releasing the redistrict­ing data would be pushed back from the end of March, the date required by law, to the end of September because of delays caused by the pandemic.

The states of Ohio and Alabama promptly sued the statistica­l agency, saying the delay would undermine their ability to redraw districts. The Alabama lawsuit also challenged a new method being used by the Census Bureau for the first time for protecting participan­ts’ privacy, which the state argues produces faulty numbers.

The delay in releasing the redistrict­ing data has sent states scrambling to come up with alternativ­e plans because many will not get the data until after their legal deadlines for drawing new districts, requiring them to either rewrite laws or ask courts to allow them a free pass because of the delay. In some cases, if fights over new maps drag into the new year, primaries may have to be delayed.

The availabili­ty of the redistrict­ing data in the outdated format in August was first disclosed last week in a statement by a Census Bureau official in the Ohio lawsuit. The data officially released to the states in September will be on DVDS and flash drives with a software tool that makes it easy for browsing through the data, Fontenot told the Census Scientific Advisory Committee.

The data ready in the outdated format in August will need to be imported into a database. Relationsh­ips then will need to be establishe­d between files, and users will need to pull a subset of files to look at a specific geography.

“Given the difficulty in using data in this format, any state using this data would have to accept responsibi­lity for how they process these files, whether correctly or incorrectl­y,” James Whitehorne, the bureau’s chief of the Census Redistrict­ing and Voting Rights Data Office, said in the court filing in the Ohio lawsuit.

The Census Bureau is planning to release apportionm­ent figures, the state population counts used for determinin­g how many congressio­nal seats and Electoral College votes each state gets, by the end of April. One of the reasons the extra time was needed for the redistrict­ing data is that the Census Bureau originally had prioritize­d tasks to get the apportionm­ent numbers finished, pushing back work on the redistrict­ing data, Fontenot said.

Despite the challenges of the 2020 census — the pandemic, hurricanes and wildfires — the Census Bureau hasn’t uncovered anything so far to suggest that the data “will not be fit for its constituti­onal and statutory purposes,” Fontenot said.

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