San Diego Union-Tribune (Sunday)



Pickleball is the new rage for all ages and abilities (even disabiliti­es). For years, it was popular with seniors, but recently children, teens, young adults and those with special needs have discovered this fun and versatile sport.

I know from personal experience that pickleball is wonderful for people with special needs because my twins absolutely love pickleball. Tommy and Jimmy are 23 years old. They are identical twins who were both born with cleft lip, cleft palate and Down syndrome.

My boys love to play all sports, but after being introduced to pickleball about a year ago, this is now their favorite sport. Pickleball is a combinatio­n of ping pong, tennis and racquetbal­l. Paddles are used to hit the ball, as in ping pong, but are a little bit larger in size. The game is played on a court with a net as in tennis, but the pickleball net is a little shorter, 34 inches in the middle and three feet at the side posts.

As in tennis, the game can be played with two to four players. Finally,

playing pickleball reminds players of racquetbal­l because the size of the court is very similar. There is only a 4 foot difference in the court’s length between the two. The ball that is used is quite different from the other games, however. It looks very much like a Wiff le ball.

My boys love to play pickleball for many reasons. First of all, it is easy to learn, and scoring is simple. When a player gets 11 points, he is the winner. This makes the game short and fast. Many games can be played in very little time. This is motivating for my twins because they are competitiv­e and are able to try to win over and over again. Secondly, the court is smaller than a tennis court, exactly a quarter of its size. Because of this, the ball is easier to hit since it is in a more confined space.

There is less running all over the court, but the players can make the game more intense if they like, by increasing the speed of their hits. Also, the sound of the ball hitting the hard surface of the paddles is enjoyable and stimulatin­g for my twins, who are both hard of hearing. Another reason Tommy and Jimmy like the game is because of the social opportunit­ies offered at the court. Many people play at the Bobby Riggs Racket and Paddle

courts in Encinitas and they often ask to play with one another, including my twins.

This helps them to meet new people and feel well liked, included and accepted. They always come home feeling happy about their experience at the courts.

They are even proud of the fact that they exercised and did a “workout” that they can brag about to their siblings and friends. When I asked Tommy why he likes pickleball so much he said, “I beat your friend and that guy who played with me. I am so good at it. It is fun!” Jimmy told me, “I like to win and it is better than tennis. I play with new people, too. I like that the game goes fast!” For people with developmen­tal disabiliti­es, pickleball offers many opportunit­ies for inclusion and socializat­ion.

While playing on the court, other players sometimes ask if they can play a game with Tommy and Jimmy. My twins have improved so much that they often win. This builds their confidence to play more and to meet new people. I believe this sport can help to improve the self-esteem of people with special needs as they rally against others, exercise and have a lot of fun.

Some exciting news is that in December, USA Pickleball signed a proclamati­on with Special Olympics North America that will help to encourage the growth of pickleball within the Special Olympics programs. One more great thing about pickleball for young and old is that it is easy to set up almost anywhere. My twins have enjoyed playing at their sister’s tennis courts.

There are also portable pickleball sets that can be purchased for about $40. These include paddles, balls and a net, so the game can be set up in a driveway, cul de sac or backyard. There are many more wonderful things about pickleball that I haven’t touched on. Each person who tries it will learn how it best suits them.

I highly recommend giving pickleball a try. But more importantl­y, I strongly encourage parents of children with special needs to introduce their loved ones to this incredible sport that offers so many undeniably positive experience­s.

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