San Diego Union-Tribune



Even as coronaviru­s deaths mount across Europe and New York, the U.S. and other countries are starting to contemplat­e an exit strategy and thinking about a staggered and carefully calibrated easing of restrictio­ns designed to curb the scourge.

“To end the confinemen­t, we’re not going to go from black to white; we’re going to go from black to gray,” top French epidemiolo­gist Jeanfranco­is Delfraissy said in a radio interview.

Deaths, hospitaliz­ations and new infections are leveling off in places like Italy and Spain, and even New York has seen encouragin­g signs amid the gloom. At the same time, politician­s and health officials warn that the crisis is far from over and a catastroph­ic second wave could hit if countries let down their guard too soon.

“We are flattening the curve because we are rigorous about social distancing,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. “But it’s not a time to be complacent. It’s

not a time to do anything different than we’ve been doing.”

In a sharp reminder of the danger, New York state on Wednesday recorded its highest one-day increase in deaths, 779, for an overall death toll of almost 6,300.

“The bad news is actually terrible,” Cuomo lamented. Still, the governor said that hospitaliz­ations are decreasing and that many of those now dying fell ill in the outbreak’s earlier stages.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it was issuing new guidelines for some workers who have been within 6 feet of someone with a confirmed or suspected infection to go back on the job if they have no symptoms. The guidelines apply to employees in critical fields such as health care and food supply and require they take their temperatur­e beforehand, wear face masks at all times and practice social distancing.

Meanwhile, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson remains in intensive care with the coronaviru­s but is improving and sitting up in bed, a senior government minister said Wednesday, as the U.K. recorded its biggest spike in COVID-19 deaths to date.

“The latest from the hospital is the prime minister rewednesda­y. mains in intensive care where his condition is improving,” Sunak said at a news conference. “I can also tell you that he has been sitting up in bed and engaging positively with the clinical team.”

That glimmer of good news came as the number of Covid-19-related deaths in Britain approached the peaks seen in Italy and Spain, the two countries with the greatest number of fatalities.

Britain’s confirmed death toll reached 7,097 on Wednesday, an increase of 938 from 24 hours earlier. Italy recorded a high of 969 deaths on March 27 and Spain 950 deaths on April 2.

In China, the lockdown of Wuhan, the industrial city of 11 million where the global pandemic began, was lifted after 76 days, allowing people to come and go. The country announced two additional deaths today in Wuhan but no new cases there.

Wuhan residents will have to use a smartphone app showing that they are healthy and have not been in recent contact with anyone confirmed to have the virus. Schools remain closed, people are still checked for fever when they enter buildings and masks are strongly encouraged.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the United States’ top infectious­diseases expert, said the Trump administra­tion has been working on plans to eventually reopen the country amid evidence that social distancing is working to stop the virus’ spread.

But he said it’s not time to scale back such measures: “Keep your foot on the accelerato­r because this is what is going to get us through this,” he said at Wednesday’s White House briefing.

Vice President Mike Pence warned that Philadelph­ia was emerging as a potential hot spot, saying that he spoke to Pennsylvan­ia Gov. Tom Wolf and that Pittsburgh was also being monitored for a possible rise in cases.

The U.S. is also seeing hot spots in such places as Washington, D.C., Louisiana, Chicago, Detroit and Colorado. The New York metropolit­an area, which includes northern New Jersey, Long Island and lower Connecticu­t, accounts for about half of all virus deaths in the U.S.

As of Wednesday night, the U.S. had roughly 432,000 cases and nearly 14,800 deaths. California has more than 18,800 cases and has recorded more than 490 deaths, including 68 reported Pence said he would speak to leaders in African-american communitie­s who are concerned about disproport­ionate impacts from the virus. Fauci acknowledg­ed that historic disparitie­s in health care have put Africaname­ricans at risk for diseases that make them more vulnerable in the outbreak, adding that makes it even more imperative for communitie­s of color to practice social distancing.

In Europe, Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte is expected to announce in the coming days how long the country’s lockdown will remain in place amid expectatio­ns that some restrictio­ns could be eased. Discussion­s are focused first on opening more of the country’s industries.

Proposals being floated in Italy include the issuing of immunity certificat­es, which would require antibody blood tests, and allowing younger workers to return first, as they are less vulnerable to the virus.

Italy, the hardest-hit country, recorded its biggest one-day jump yet in people counted as recovered and had its smallest one-day increase in deaths in more than a month. Nearly 18,000 have died there.

In Spain, which has tallied more than 14,000 dead, Budget Minister Maria Jesus Montero said Spaniards will progressiv­ely regain their “normal life” from April 26 onward but warned that the “de-escalation” of the lockdown will be “very orderly to avoid a return to the contagion.”

The government has been tight-lipped about what measures could be in place once the confinemen­t is relaxed, stressing that they will be dictated by experts

Without giving specifics, French authoritie­s have likewise begun to speak openly of planning the end of the country’s confinemen­t period, which is set to expire April 15 but will be extended, according to the president’s office. The virus has claimed more than 10,000 lives in France.

Earlier this week, Austria and the Czech Republic jumped out ahead of other European countries and announced plans to relax some restrictio­ns.

Starting today, Czech stores selling constructi­on materials, hobby supplies and bicycles will be allowed to reopen. Only grocery stores, pharmacies and garden stores are up and running. The reopened businesses will have to offer customers disinfecta­nt and disposable gloves and enforce social distancing.

Austria will begin reopening small shops, hardware stores and garden centers on Tuesday, and shopping malls and hair salons could follow two weeks later. People will have to wear face masks.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said authoritie­s will watch carefully and will “pull the emergency brake” if the virus makes a comeback.

The desire to get back to normal is driven in part by the damage to world economies.

The Bank of France said the French economy has entered recession, while Germany, Europe’s economic powerhouse, is also facing a deep recession.

Japan, the world’s thirdlarge­st economy, could contract by a record 25 percent this quarter, the highest since gross domestic product began to be tracked in 1955.

Worldwide, 1.5 million people have been confirmed infected and around 90,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. The true numbers are almost certainly much higher, because of limited testing, different rules for counting the dead and concealmen­t by some government­s.

Villenueve and Hinnant write for The Associated Press.

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER AP ?? Volunteers raise a tent while building a field hospital Wednesday at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York.
MARY ALTAFFER AP Volunteers raise a tent while building a field hospital Wednesday at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York.
 ?? LUCA BRUNO AP ?? A nurse drives a remote-controlled tablet Wednesday at a hospital in Varese, Italy. The device connects health-care workers to coronaviru­s patients.
LUCA BRUNO AP A nurse drives a remote-controlled tablet Wednesday at a hospital in Varese, Italy. The device connects health-care workers to coronaviru­s patients.

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