San Diego Union-Tribune

Trump supporters can still justify choice

- Robert Schroeder Oceanside Roger Crenshaw San Diego John Klein Oceanside Bob Kerber Oceanside Megan Ahn San Diego

In 2015 I was led to believe by one party in the race for the presidency that the government had to play a bigger role in my life in order for me to thrive. Candidate Donald Trump led me to believe that I was better than that. You know what? I was and am better than that.

Today, when I look real hard at where we all were back in 2015 and where we have been shown we can go, I am confident I made the right choice. Faults? Sure, but I weigh them like a balance sheet. Try that approach and feel some calm.

wholeheart­edly. But we do not need innuendo which does not help in this time of crisis.

Debate over use of hydroxychl­oroquine

The president is getting crucified by the media for promoting the anti-malaria drug for treating COVID-19 when he says “What do you have to lose?”

Anecdotal evidence abounds that it does work and people have a right to make a choice whether to use it or not in consultati­on with their doctor.

Donald Trump apparently has several medical advisers including Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rudy Giuliani, Peter Navarro and Fox News reporters. He seems to avoid Dr. Fauci.

In a debate about the

drug hydroxychl­oroquine, Navarro claimed as a social scientist he can analyze data. There is no real data and there have been no clinical tests yet. Who would you prefer, a medical scientist or the gang of three?

City must make some hard budget decisions

Re “San Diego furloughin­g 800 workers as tax revenue plummets” (April 6): I am hoping our city leaders will consider something unique in the future to close the large budget gap created by our tax revenue shrinking.

My top choice would be to sell the Torrey Pines Golf Course. We all know it only benefits a small portion of our community and the revenues from the sale would help all of the San Diego residents.

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