San Diego Union-Tribune


Covid-ravaged industry expects it will take years for a return to normal


U.S. air travel is down almost 90 percent from a year ago. Deserted Las Vegas casinos are counting the days to reopening.

Few sectors of the economy have endured as much devastatio­n from the coronaviru­s as the travel business. Surveying the wreckage, economists and company leaders say it will take years to regenerate the $1.1 trillion the industry produced last year, potentiall­y leaving many airlines, hotels, rental car companies and restaurant­s in peril.

And as long as travel remains depressed, the economy could struggle to accelerate. About 10 percent of all jobs flow from the travel sector. Industry-wide unemployme­nt now tops 50 percent, government reports suggest, a level that could presage bankruptci­es and business closures. Spending by business and leisure travelers had provided an engine of growth that helped power the economy until the virus struck.

“While the rest of the country is moving into a recession,” said Tori Emerson Barnes, an executive at the U.S. Travel Associatio­n, “the travel industry is already in a depression.”

The industry’s collapse is unrivaled in recent memory. The closest parallel, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, closed airports for four days. The industry needed roughly two years to match its previous passenger levels. The cost this time is estimated at nine times the damage from 9/11, Barnes said.

The industry was once a reliable gauge of economic health. From business people on highpriced overseas trips to tourists flying to Walt Disney World, the industry benefited from steady spending.

Not this time. Travel might be one of the last sectors to recover.

“Usually travel would be a good leading indicator of confidence and discretion­ary spending,” said Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist for Oxford Economics. “But in the wake of the global coronaviru­s recession, it’s likely to be a lagging indicator.”

With revenue all but dried up, U.S. airlines are burning through cash and planning for layoffs this fall, when a no-layoffs provision in federal aid to the carriers will expire. That aid includes nearly $25 billion in payroll assistance and an additional $25 billion in loans.

Even before then, American and United Airlines have said they will slash management and support staff by 30 percent — about 8,500 jobs between them. Delta has launched an early-retirement offer and warns of layoffs if there aren’t enough takers. Those moves don’t include the tens of thousands of union pilots and flights attendants who are likely to be furloughed in October,

Across the hotel industry, mid-priced companies are managing better than luxury ones. Hotels near beaches and in smaller cities are faring better than urban locations. Lodging that draws nearby tourists is doing far better than those that rely on airports.

Nowhere is the devastatio­n as severe as in Nevada. The state leads the nation with a crushingly high 28 percent unemployme­nt rate. Once-jammed sidewalks of the Las Vegas Strip are sparse.

The gambling and entertainm­ent mecca has suffered a 97 percent drop in visitors in April from a year ago. Normally packed hotels had less than 2 percent occupancy, according to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

The number of passengers screened at airport checkpoint­s remains down nearly 90 percent from a year ago. The average domestic flight is carrying fewer than 50 passengers.

Airlines are hoping for a slow pickup by late summer. But they’re wary of making prediction­s, not when people like David Ward worry about getting on a plane. A retired investor from Ohio, Ward was stranded in Morocco when it shut down travel in March. He’s still fighting to get refunds for canceled flights. But to him, flying now feels risky.

“You never know who is coughing and sneezing on you in a plane,” Ward said.

Mark Miller, an executive in Boston, is accustomed to flying about 100,000 miles a year. He hasn’t ruled out a couple of trips late this summer and around the holidays. But he has no other immediate flight plans.

Even travel-industry types have qualms. Terry Mcclintock, a Texas consultant who advises airlines, is taking his first COVIDERA flight next week to meet with colleagues in Las Vegas, confident that the plane and airport will be cleaner than ever. He is drawing a line, though, at internatio­nal travel. He isn’t eager to wear a mask for a long flight or face an overseas quarantine.

“I’m bullish on getting back in gear, but not crazy,” he said.

Neither are many other travelers, which is why U.S. airlines are burning through cash. Airline executives say that after the most immediate threat from the pandemic subsides, the carriers will likely shrink, with fewer jobs and fewer destinatio­ns. Already, cities like Erie, Pa,, and Peoria, Ill., are losing some of their service, a trend that could accelerate after federal regulation of airline routes expires this fall.

In the end, the industry won’t fully recover until nearly everybody feels safe about flying.

“Honestly, we don’t think that will happen until there is a vaccine,” said United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby.

Boak and Koenig write for The Associated Press.

 ?? MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ AP ?? A traveler walks through a mostly empty American Airlines terminal last week at Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport.
MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ AP A traveler walks through a mostly empty American Airlines terminal last week at Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport.

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