San Diego Union-Tribune




The battle for power in the Senate tightened into today as Democrats picked up a seat in Colorado, but suffered a setback in Alabama, and Republican­s held their own in high-profile races in South Carolina, Iowa, Texas and Kansas, dramatical­ly narrowing the political map.

Republican­s fought to retain their Senate majority by turning back a surge of Democrats challengin­g allies of President Donald Trump, and the Democrats’ various paths to seizing control were growing more limited. With several contests still too early to call, and one Georgia race heading to a January runoff, the final verdict is expected to drag on.

Democrats gained a seat when ex-Gov. John Hickenloop­er ousted GOP Sen. Cory Gardner in Colorado, a must-win to f lip the Senate, but couldn’t hold on in Alabama, where former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville beat Sen. Doug Jones.

At the same time, several battlegrou­nds broke for Republican­s: South Carolina, where White House ally Sen. Lindsey Graham survived the race of his political career against Jamie Harrison; Texas, as Sen. John

Cornyn turned back former Air Force helicopter pilot MJ Hegar; Kansas, with Rep. Roger Marshall prevailing over state Sen. Barbara Bollier, a former Republican who energized Democrats in a state that hasn’t elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1932; and Iowa, where Sen. Joni Ernst defeated Democrat Theresa Greenfield in a race seen as a tossup.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledg­ed the uncertaint­y ahead even after he secured a seventh term in Kentucky, fending off Democrat Amy McGrath, a former fighter pilot in a costly campaign.

“We don’t know which party will control the Senate,” McConnell said from Louisville. “But some things are certain already. We know grave challenges will remain before us, challenges that could not care less about our political polarizati­on. We know our next president will need to unite the country, even as we all continue to bring different ideas and commitment­s to the table.”

Trump loomed large over the Senate races as did Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden. The Trump administra­tion’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, its economic fallout and the nation’s uneasy mood all seemed to be on the ballot.

Securing the Senate majority will be vital for the winner of the presidency. Senators confirm administra­tion nominees, including the Cabinet, and can propel or stall the White House agenda. With Republican­s now controllin­g the chamber, 53-47, three or four seats will determine party control, depending on who wins the presidency because the vice president can break a tie.

Democrats reached deep into states once considered off-limits, contesting seats from New England to the Deep South and the Midwest to the Mountain West. They benefited from an unpreceden­ted onslaught of small-dollar donations f lowing to Democratic candidates as Americans appeared to be voting with their pocketbook­s in a backlash against Trump and his party running the Senate.

Voters ranked the pandemic and the economy as top concerns, according to AP VoteCast, a national survey of the electorate.

“It’s time for a different approach,” Hickenloop­er said in an live video message posted on Facebook.

But as votes came in, Republican­s held their own.

In South Carolina, Harrison stunned Washington by drawing more than $100 million in small-scale donations. But Graham eventually caught up as he led the Senate through confirmati­on of Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, sometimes making pleas for cash during appearance­s on TV.

“We didn’t get the result at the ballot box that we wanted, but we showed courage and determinat­ion,” Harrison said on Twitter. “We brought hope back to South Carolina.”

Stuck in Washington as McConnell rushed the Senate to confirm Barrett a week before Election Day, senators quickly fanned out — some alongside the president — for last-ditch tours, often socially distanced in the pandemic, to shore up votes.

Republican Sen. Thom Tillis joined Trump’s rally in Fayettevil­le, N.C., on Monday. Tillis has struggled against Cunningham, despite the married challenger’s sexting scandal with a public relations strategist. Cunningham traveled around the state Tuesday,

talking to voters in Ef land, near Durham.

In Arizona, Democrat Mark Kelly, a retired astronaut, opened a big lead against Republican Sen. Martha McSally in early returns.

Kelly is the husband of former Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was badly wounded in an assassinat­ion attempt in Tucson in 2011.

Kelly all but declared victory Tuesday night, saying: “I’m confident that when all the votes are counted, we’re going to be successful in this mission.”

“The work starts now. And we desperatel­y need Washing ton to work for Arizona,” Kelly told a small group of family and reporters in Tucson. “My top priority is making sure we have a plan to slow the spread of this virus, and then getting Arizona the resources our state needs right now.”

After his speech, Kelly clasped arms with Giffords and his two adult daughters as a massive screen behind him showed video feeds of supporters cheering from their living rooms.

McSally was not expected to speak Tuesday night.

Her spokeswoma­n, Caroline Anderegg, said it’s too early to know who won.

“This race is not over,” she said in a statement posted on Twitter.

The 2018 victory of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the first Democrat to win an Arizona Senate seat in 30 years, over McSally illustrate­d the changing nature of the state.

After her defeat, Republican Gov. Doug Ducey appointed McSally to the late Republican Sen. John McCain’s former seat in 2018.

McSally was a trailblazi­ng woman in the U.S. Air Force — the first woman to f ly in combat and to lead a fighter squadron.

Overall, Democrats had charted an expansive map with more than one route to secure the three or four seats needed to capture the majority, and GOP strategist­s privately acknowledg­ed that the incumbents would almost certainly suffer defeats in some races. But the options were closing for Democrats.

In the presidenti­al battlegrou­nd of Michigan, Republican­s have made an aggressive push for John James, a Black Republican businessma­n, against Democratic Sen. Gary Peters.

The Maine race between GOP Sen. Susan Collins and Democrat Sara Gideon was another contest that could push past Election Day if no candidate breaks the 50 percent threshold.

In Georgia, two Senate seats were being contested.

One already is headed to a Jan. 5 runoff after no candidate reached the 50 percent threshold to win. GOP Sen. Kelly Loeffler will face Democrat Raphael Warnock in a special election for the seat Loeffler was tapped to fill for retired Sen. Johnny Isakson.

In the other, GOP Sen. David Perdue, the former business executive Trump calls his favorite senator, tried to stave off Democrat Jon Ossoff, another candidate who has benefited from the “green wave” of campaign donations. It too, is expected to go to a runoff.

The political landscape is quickly changing from six years ago, when most of these senators last faced voters. It’s a reminder of how sharply the political climate has shifted in the Trump era.

In Montana, Republican Sen. Steve Daines faced Gov. Steve Bullock in a state where Trump is popular.

And in Alaska, Al Gross, a doctor, broke state fundraisin­g records in part with viral campaign ads as he took on GOP Sen. Dan Sullivan.

The Senate will welcome some newcomers as others retire. In Tennessee, Republican Bill Hagerty won the seat held by Sen. Lamar Alexander, who is retiring. Republican Cynthia Lummis, the former congresswo­man from Wyoming, won the Senate seat opened by retiring GOP Sen. Mike Enzi.

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