San Diego Union-Tribune


- Ga r y.wa r t h @sduniontri­

Anderson was f irst elected to the state Assembly in 2006 to represent a district that includes much of the county ’s District 2. In 2010 he was elected to state Senate and ser ved until November 2018. In Sacramento, Anderson was known for his social and f iscal conser vatism and advocacy for small businesses and taxpayers.

While Vaus’ political experience mostly has been within his own city, he has wider recog nition as his alter-ego, Buck Howdy. His 2010 release “Aaaaah! Spooky, Scar y Stories & Songs” earned him a Grammy Award for best spoken-word album for children.

Anderson has received suppor t f rom former Gov.

Pete Wilson, former Rep. Duncan Hunter Sr., state Sens. Patricia Bates and Brian Jones and the Republican Par ty of San Diego. He campaigned on expanding housing attaina b i l i ty, reducing homelessne­ss, increasing career oppor tunities and bolstering mental health ser vices. He has praised some county mental health initiative­s launched by Democratic Super visor Nathan Fletcher.

Anderson’s record in Sacramento i ncludes an “A” grade from the Howard Jar vis Taxpayers Associatio­n and high marks from the California Chamber of Commerce and the American Conser vative Union Foundation. He received a “0" rating f rom the Sierra Club in 2018 and poor ratings from Equality California, Planned Parenthood, Health Access California and labor g roups.

Vaus has been endorsed by Super visors Jacob, Greg Cox, Kristin Gaspar and Jim Desmond, Sheriff Bill Gore and San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Vaus, who i s rarely seen without his trademark cowboy hat, has said his priorities are public safety, homelessne­ss and mental health.

Vaus has said he is not a Republican candidate because the race is nonpar tisan, and he did not agg ressively pursue the local Republican Par ty ’s endorsemen­t. He has received backing f rom the county ’s major labor union, SEIU Local 221, and from Democrats, including Chula Vista Mayor Mar y Salas and Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara.

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