San Diego Union-Tribune


Senate could move forward on measure as soon as today

- BY ERICA WERNER Werner writes for The Washington Post.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the Senate will move forward as soon as today on President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronaviru­s relief bill and pledged, “We’ll have the votes we need to pass the bill.”

Schumer’s comments at a news conference Tuesday came even as moderate Senate Democrats maneuvered to limit some of the expenditur­es in the bill, over objections from liberals who insisted they’d already made concession­s on Biden’s first major legislativ­e proposal.

Biden urged Senate Democrats on a private lunchtime call Tuesday to stay united behind the bill, arguing it’s broadly popular with the public and controvers­ial only on Capitol Hill, according to two Democrats who spoke on condition of anonymity to recount the private comments.

“He got on and kind of gave us a rally call,” said Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he hoped that “in the end Senate Republican­s will unanimousl­y oppose it, just like House Republican­s did” when the legislatio­n passed the House on Saturday with no GOP votes.

“This is a wildly expensive proposal largely unrelated to the problem,” McConnell said. “We think this package should have been negotiated on a bipartisan basis. ... Instead the new administra­tion made a conscious decision to jam us.”

Senate Democrats are pushing the sprawling legislatio­n forward under a process called “budget reconcilia­tion” that allows it to pass with a simple majority, instead of the 60 votes required for most major legislatio­n.

With the Senate split 5050 between Democrats and Republican­s, that means Democrats can succeed only if they stay united and Vice President Kamala Harris breaks the tie.

Democrats and the Biden administra­tion want to complete the package ahead of a March 14 deadline when emergency unemployme­nt benefits will expire for millions of Americans unless Congress extends them.

If the Senate takes an initial procedural vote to open debate on the bill today, final passage could come at the end of the week, following a lengthy amendment process. The legislatio­n would then likely need to go back to the House for final passage.

Amendments are expected from all sides, with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., pledging a vote to restore a $15 minimum wage that the Senate parliament­arian ruled was not allowed in the bill under the rules of budget reconcilia­tion.

Republican­s are teeing up amendments aimed at dividing Democrats. And moderate Senate Democrats are eyeing changes of their own that, if adopted, could create problems for the bill among liberals in the House.

Biden’s bill would increase the existing $300 weekly federal unemployme­nt benefit to $400 per week and extend it through August. But a handful of moderate Democrats want to keep the benefit at $300 per week, while others — such as Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore. — hope to extend it through September instead of August. Discussion­s were ongoing about both the timing and the level of the benefit.

“I’ve been at $300 ... it’s kind of hard to explain you’re getting a bump-up now,” said Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., suggesting the higher $400 figure would reduce incentives for people to rejoin the workforce just as increasing vaccinatio­ns are poised to help the economy reopen.

“We want people to get back to work,” Manchin said. “It’d be awful for the doors to open up and there’s no one working, you got a lot of customers, no one working. That’s the problem.”

Manchin’s proposal was running into opposition from liberals in both chambers.

“I oppose that. I don’t know if it will prevail but I’m for $400,” said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., the No. 2 Senate Democrat.

Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said reducing the unemployme­nt benefit to $300 “makes no sense whatsoever” given that Congress passed a $600 weekly benefit last year in the CARES Act.

“It’s going to be a challenge for progressiv­es if the package gets watered down,” Jayapal said.

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