San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY MELISSA CLARK Clark writes for The New York Times.

When it comes to dinner, the temperatur­es demand something hearty and cozy.

A skillet full of orzo, cooked in savory broth and showered with feta for creaminess and tang, is just the thing to warm my family up. And by adding a mound of spinach I already had on hand, I could keep the dish from tipping into the kind of carbohydra­te-heavy meals winter will inevitably bring.

Added bonus: It can all be made in one skillet, and it ends up as appealing as risotto, but without all the stirring.

Cooking it is a snap, beginning with scallions, garlic and that spinach, all sautéed in lots of butter until everything melts into a verdant puddle. Then, the orzo and stock go into the pan, along with some lemon zest for brightness, and an entire cup of fresh herbs, which mellow as they cook. I love the Greek-inspired combinatio­n of dill with the spinach and feta, but I realize the herb can be divisive — though not as divisive as cilantro, which you could also use. Parsley, or parsley cut with fresh mint, would be another excellent option. You’re looking for an herbal note to round out the mineral intensity of the spinach.

As the orzo simmers and softens in that heady liquid, it absorbs the broth’s flavors and releases some starch to thicken it. The dish is done when the orzo is tender but not mushy, and the broth has reduced into a satiny sauce.

Then, right at the end, stir in the feta, along with some thawed, frozen peas. (If you forgot to thaw them ahead of time, run them under a hot tap for 10 seconds.) The peas are completely skippable if you don’t have any, but I like the way their plush texture contrasts with the chewiness of the pasta.

That’s all there is to it. Just add a festive libation, and enjoy a perfect transition­al meal that walks the line between rich and lean.

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