San Diego Union-Tribune

Let Edwards know she should remain positive


Re“Health scare sidelines News 8 anchor Barbara-Lee Edwards” (March 5): I suffered a major brainstem stroke at 55 years old in 2001. I was in a coma for 13 days, the doctors told my wife to get my do-not-resuscitat­e order, as I “would never walk, talk and may only have 10 percent cognitive.”

I am still here and walking (with walker help), and I can talk, but the jury is still out on the 10 percent cognitive. Just tell Edwards to remain positive.

Tom Sundeen

San Marcos

Deborah Kouchekpou­r — Trump’s handling of the crisis was criminal. His lack of action and lies about the crisis led to many more cases and deaths.

Cari Furr — I applaud the courage of our governor in making hard decisions that have served our state well. I know he has risked losing some popularity — but I believe his decisions have served the greater good. Thank you, governor!

Kim Brogan — I think our governor didn’t have a clue and screwed up our economy without any scientific basis for doing so. I also think he thought there was one law for the peons and another for him and his rich friends.

Sue Amon Lussa — It’s the government so you can bet things will get screwed up. Not enough vaccines going to those who need them the most. Why haven’t teachers been vaccinated so schools could reopen? Why haven’t grocery store workers been vaccinated? Paying people not to work has helped but that bill will come due and we’re going to get hit with higher taxes. If I were grading the state, it would get a C. Middle of the pack.

Richard Burch — Other states opening — it’s like being on a diet, seeing you lost 10 pounds and deciding it’s OK to make a doughnut run!

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