San Diego Union-Tribune


Research market salaries, and be prepared and confident when you talk to your supervisor.


The pandemic-related recession has altered many job descriptio­ns. For Haley Jones, a 24-year-old resident of Michigan, the coronaviru­s changed the needs of her company, and as she adapted to meet them, her responsibi­lities were no longer confined to her marketing specialist role.

“I graduated with a marketing degree, no medical experience at all, and I ended up having to scrub in at our surgery center and help patients get prepped for anesthesia,” Jones says.

After adding those kinds of new hats, Jones felt that her responsibi­lities had outgrown her entry-level salary and position, so she requested more compensati­on.

Your role may also merit a salary discussion, even in uncertain times. Here are some strategies to help you achieve the ideal salary.

Research the market

Understand­ing the market for your job is critical, according to Lindsey Pollak, author of the upcoming book “Recalculat­ing: Navigate Your Career Through the Changing World of Work.”

“You can look at websites like Glassdoor, and PayScale and see what’s standard,” she says.

These websites offer a minimum and maximum salary range that you can reference to give your boss a realistic request. Pollak also suggests networking with profession­al associatio­ns in your industry and asking about the appropriat­e salary range for the job in your particular city.

Tally up your contributi­ons

If you’re working remotely, Pollak suggests being more self-promotiona­l about big wins. With many distractio­ns in the pandemic, your boss may not know the extent of your contributi­ons.

Jones created a slideshow presentati­on with links to her work, a list of tasks completed and her overall impact on the company. Her boss shared the presentati­on with others weighing in on her salary request.

“If you want someone to do something for you, make it as easy as you can for them to say yes,” Jones says.

Dive as far back into your contributi­ons as is necessary or gather evidence up to the last annual or midyear review. And be as specific as possible.

Lay the groundwork for the conversati­on

Be strategic as you plan the conversati­on. Gauge your level of confidence at every step.

Put it on your supervisor’s radar. Give your boss a general but serious reason for the meeting. Pollak suggests saying that you want to have a “career conversati­on” about your role and future at the company.

Time it right. Don’t plan such a conversati­on after the company announces a terrible quarter or when your boss is in a bad mood, says Joel Garfinkle, executive coach and author of the book “Get Paid What You’re Worth.”

Practice until you’re confident. Jones built confidence by rehearsing in front of her mirror and loved ones. Be intentiona­l with your environmen­t. If

it’s a video call, use sticky notes to remember key points. In an office environmen­t, Jones leaned on slides and hard copies to move the conversati­on along.

If you need further guidance, Pollak suggests connecting with a college’s career center for advice, whether that’s your alma mater or a community college. Even if you never attended college, your local community college may offer resources.

Maintain control of the conversati­on

Don’t allow emotions or nerves to steer the conversati­on away from your goal. Remember three key points for your discussion:

Lead with gratitude. Jones began by thanking her employer for many learning opportunit­ies, then pivoted to her excitement about the company’s future and her role in it.

Know when to stop talking. Get comfortabl­e with silence. “Say the amount you want and then stop talking,” Pollak says. Don’t negotiate against yourself by saying that you’d like a $15,000 increase, but you’re willing to settle for $8,000.

Focus on the value for your employer. Don’t phrase your request around reasons why you need a raise or promotion. Be aware of economic impacts to your company and its priorities,

and keep the focus on how you’re saving the company money or contributi­ng to its bottom line.

Be prepared for the response

If your employer can’t meet your request this time, all isn’t lost. You have promoted your work and carved out the path for the next conversati­on, according to Garfinkle. You can also consider negotiatin­g for nonmonetar­y benefits.

“Maybe it’s a title change, or they’ll pay for an executive coach, or they’ll provide some training, or additional benefits or retirement contributi­ons,” Garfinkle says. “There are other things you can get that might be beneficial for you.”

If your employer is willing to offer a pay increase or an alternativ­e, get it in writing. Send a thankful email to your boss summarizin­g the conversati­on and alert them that you’ll be following up on the next steps.

In the case of a firm “no” or “not right now,” let your boss know that you would greatly appreciate the chance to revisit the conversati­on in the future.

Following up is key with any response. Jones followed up twice in a month, once via email and another time in person. Eventually, she was promoted to marketing director and received $5,000 more than the maximum amount she requested.

 ??  ??
 ?? ELISE AMENDOLA AP ?? Amid the pandemic-fueled recession, your job descriptio­n and responsibi­lities may have changed. Whether you’ve taken on more tasks after employees were laid off or your household income has taken a hit, there are plenty of reasons to ask for more cash.
ELISE AMENDOLA AP Amid the pandemic-fueled recession, your job descriptio­n and responsibi­lities may have changed. Whether you’ve taken on more tasks after employees were laid off or your household income has taken a hit, there are plenty of reasons to ask for more cash.

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