San Diego Union-Tribune



Jordan placed a gag order Tuesday on the publicatio­n of anything involving the case of Prince Hamzeh bin Hussein, a day after the former crown prince signed a statement affirming his loyalty to his half-brother King Abdullah II.

The Amman public prosecutor released a statement saying the gag order extends to visual and auditory media as well as social media, banning the sharing of photos or videos relating to the case. He cited the need to “preserve the secrecy of investigat­ions that security apparatuse­s are carrying out relating to his royal highness Prince Hamzeh bin Hussein and others.”

The order came soon after an audio recording of the prince being told to stay silent surfaced.

Hamzeh, 41, had said in an earlier video recording that he has been under house arrest since Saturday, adding that the head of the army, Maj. Gen. Youssef alHuneiti had visited him that day and told him to refrain from speaking or meeting with non-family members.

At least 16 others were detained the same day the prince was placed under house arrest after authoritie­s said extensive surveillan­ce had found them plotting to disrupt the security and stability of the kingdom in cooperatio­n with foreign entities.

On Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister Ayman alSafadi said officials had tracked over a long period of time the activities of those “whose goals were to strike Jordan, its stability, and promote sedition.” He refrained, however, from mentioning a coup attempt.

In an occasional­ly unclear recording, shared by opposition pages and Arab media on Tuesday, a man who later identifies himself as the head of the army mentions to Hamzeh that there has been criticism of the country’s leadership on social media. Hamzeh responds by asking if this criticism came from him, which the man denied. But, he added, “people are starting to talk more than usual.”

Hamzeh was asked not to mix with people and to cease tweeting, which prompted the prince to raise his voice.

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