San Diego Union-Tribune



For many of us, quarantini­ng over the past year has meant more Netflix, puzzles and baking — and less moving. If you’re concerned about how your sedentary lifestyle is affecting your body, try intermitte­nt workouts.

Intermitte­nt workouts are minisessio­ns performed periodical­ly throughout your day. You can set a timer or use a trigger, such as seeing a certain object or walking into a certain room to signal when to engage in the workout. According to Craig Weller, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach in Evergreen, Colo., you should aim to be active about once every hour.

You can do one exercise at a time, or a variety of exercises, ideally choosing a mixture throughout the day to target both your upper and lower body, such as squats, lunges, planks, wall sits and pushups. Which exercises and how many reps are up to you. You can incorporat­e weights, but it’s not necessary.

The goal is not to work out as hard or as quickly as possible. “It’s not a beatdown,” says Weller, who

The goal is not to work out as hard or as quickly as possible. Rather, you should stop well before fatigue sets in, spending 15 seconds to five minutes exercising.

calls these “trigger workouts.” Rather, you should stop well before fatigue sets in, spending 15 seconds to five minutes exercising.

Weller, a former U.S. Navy Special Warfare Combatant Crewman, was introduced to the concept in the military. “If you had some downtime,” he recalls, “guys would set a timer on their watch and every hour they’d do a set or a couple sets of pushups.”

It might not sound like much, but the benefits, both mental and physical, add up. According to Weller, over time, “you start to change the associatio­n (your) brain has with that activity.” Instead of associatin­g squats or pushups with a painful session at the gym and a spike in stress hormones, you normalize the activity and it becomes “just part of (your) repertoire,” he explained.

Decoupling the stress response from physical activity is especially

important amid the coronaviru­s outbreak. “A physical stress response is exactly the same thing as an emotional anxiety response,” Weller said.

Given the emotional and financial burdens many are facing, the last thing we need is more stress. Intermitte­nt workouts let you work your muscles, strengthen your bones and build connective tissue without activating the body’s stress response. Weller says, “It’s not an ideal time to go and beat the hell out of yourself in the gym.”

In fact, torturing yourself at the gym isn’t the key to fitness during a pandemic — or ever.

“Going to the gym three times a week, even for an hour, isn’t where you get fit,” said Tom Holland, an exercise physiologi­st, fitness consultant and author of the forthcomin­g book, “The Microworko­ut Plan.” It’s what you do the rest of the day that makes a difference.

Holland, who is based in Connecticu­t, says many people “do a lot of exercise a little bit,” expecting to see improvemen­t. But the true, long-term benefits of exercise, he says, come from “doing a little bit a lot,” or what he calls “excessive moderation.”

Now 51, Holland was 14 when he read that Herschel Walker did 300 pushups and 300 situps every day. Intrigued, Holland decided to follow his idol’s training regimen. But he didn’t do it all at once. “I would do, you know, sets of 10 in the morning (and) throughout the day,” he said.

He has continued the habit ever since. He started out doing pushups and crunches during TV commercial­s. Now, among other sessions staggered throughout the day, he completes a set of pushups first thing in the morning, before bed and every time he enters his office.

Can intermitte­nt workouts replace focused endurance workouts or resistance training sessions? No, Holland says. But he credits the frequent, short, low-intensity bouts with maintainin­g his ability to execute his favorite type of workout, a 10-mile run.

“If I’m not doing those things, I’m not running at all,” he said.

Holly Roser, a personal trainer in San Mateo, doesn’t recommend training for a 5K run on intermitte­nt workouts alone. But, she says, they will build strength and boost cardiovasc­ular fitness, making the effort feel a bit easier. Although San Diego County gyms are now open with 25 percent capacity indoors , people may not feel comfortabl­e returning yet, and intermitte­nt workouts, which require little space and no equipment, can help you prepare to return to sports.

And if you’re missing the activities that punctuated your typical day before the pandemic, intermitte­nt workouts can — and should — fill those gaps, regardless of whether you perform a traditiona­l 20-to-60-minute workout. Research has establishe­d the health risks of sitting, but Holland says non-exercise activity thermogene­sis (NEAT) can help counteract them. NEAT includes activities such as strolling the aisles at Target, waiting in line at the bank and walking from your desk to the cafeteria.

In the absence of those opportunit­ies for movement, intermitte­nt workouts are an excellent alternativ­e. Though they technicall­y count as exercise, because they’re relatively easy and quick, they don’t feel like work. Weller says he views them as similar to commuting, “like another task that you do that doesn’t require any significan­t stress response.”

Intermitte­nt workouts may also facilitate better nutrition. Because of a phenomenon known as hedonic compensati­on, Weller says, people tend to eat more than they normally would or enjoy unhealthy treats after doing any physical activity they perceive as exercise or punishment, such as a 45-minute weightlift­ing or cardio routine. Intermitte­nt workouts don’t feel like workouts, so you’re unlikely to think they warrant a reward.

According to Roser, you may be less likely to crave processed items such as ice cream or potato chips when you’re active throughout the day. If you are due for an intermitte­nt workout, the idea of moving your body immediatel­y after eating junk food won’t be appealing, she says. And like longer, more intense workouts, intermitte­nt workouts can elevate mood, improve focus and reduce anxiety — all of which can make you less prone to emotional eating.

Although you can use feelings such as boredom, sadness or anxiety as triggers for workouts, Weller says, it takes “a fair amount of self-awareness to use an emotional trigger.”

Roser suggests using cravings as a trigger. If you’re hungry for something sweet or salty, rather than a nutrient-dense option such as soup, a sandwich or a salad, “that’s a signal that (you are) emotionall­y hungry and not physically hungry,” Roser said. Try an intermitte­nt workout, and you might find that you don’t need ice cream or chips, after all.

Whether they use intermitte­nt workouts in addition to or in place of a traditiona­l sweat session, athletes and beginners will reap the benefits of low-intensity, frequent movement, Weller said. “It’s really just getting people closer to the type of regular, open-ended, nonmaximal daily activity that we’re evolved for.”

“Going to the gym three times a week, even for an hour, isn’t where you get fit.”

Tom Holland, exercise physiologi­st and author


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