San Diego Union-Tribune


- BY RICHARD A. GREEN Green is a former IRS agent. He lives in San Bernardino.

The Internal Revenue Service is understand­ably feared by most. But communitie­s of color have greater cause to fear it. Unacknowle­dged implicit biases within the service are pervasive.

I'm a former I.R.S. agent — who is also White.

The federal tax code is itself structural­ly biased. But prejudices within the service also influence tax administra­tion and audits. The Internal Revenue Service's decades-long efforts to raise consciousn­ess and racial sensitivit­ies have been no more successful than that of many police department­s.

Indirectly, federal tax law discrimina­tes with regressive tax brackets and loopholes that favor wealthier demographi­cs over those of low-income taxpayers, disproport­ionately people of color. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act exacerbate­d those inequities.

The federal tax code's injustices were directly caused by slavery.

In 1787, the U.S. Constituti­on, in a concession to slave-owning states, required each slave count as three-fifths of a free person for taxation and other reasons. A progressiv­e income tax was deemed unconstitu­tional, so the federal government utilized a tax on wealth, proportion­al to a state's population. But population­s of slave-holding states (although unfairly gaining political representa­tion) were depressed by the threefifth­s rule, and wealth (including slaves) was taxed less. Instead, federal finances relied on regressive import tariffs. Thus, establishe­d wealth disparitie­s have for the most part increased since our nation's founding.

Almost 250 years later, I saw firsthand, as a revenue agent, that Revolution­ary-era injustices remained.

We “served” upper-class, affluent areas — as well as neighborho­ods of color. The difference­s were stark.

Low-income areas and communitie­s of color were disproport­ionately audited. Current figures show that taxpayers earning $25,000 per year or less are audited significan­tly more often than those in the $1 million to $5 million income bracket. Furthermor­e, wealthier residents retain tax profession­als to find loopholes, negotiate more generous settlement­s and ensure clients' rights.

Auditing is inherently subjective, despite its spurious exactitude of calculatin­g dollars and cents. It's simply determinin­g the taxpayer's honesty. Each taxpayer is unique with different incomes and sources, deductions and differing degrees of personal integrity. Thus, the IRS audits the taxpayer, not the return; it's impossible to establish uniform and transparen­t procedures by which an auditor's personal judgment can be evaluated for fairness — or be observed by body-cams.

Biased auditing is often reinforced by a sense of shared beleaguerm­ent. Agents tend to view themselves as the “thin blue line” of law and order, standing tall against the tax cheats threatenin­g our government. “Nobody likes paying taxes” and “There's an awful lot of fraud out there” are the agency's mutually reinforcin­g mantras.

Tax law's extreme complexity allows indulging personal bigotries. Congress' two-volume tax code is transmogri­fied by the IRS' 10 volumes of regulation­s, court cases, revenue rulings and memoranda. Few understand them, which allows agents to freely exploit nearsupers­titious ignorance. Despite many being less knowledgea­ble than those they audit, IRS agents are deemed supreme authority, so their determinat­ions rule.

Thus, implicit biases — not arcane tax law — often determine audits. Different ethnic groups may be viewed as more honest than others. Middle- and upperclass White Americans top the food chain, while people of color often face more intensive audits and their returns are found to have more problems, since they often can't hire tax pros to prepare their returns, or to represent them during audits.

Workshops are utilized to spread informal perspectiv­es and auditing techniques, whether based on strict profession­al standards — or simple personal opinions. One such workshop focused on evaluating tax returns for fraud.

The district internal security manager opined that names indicate greater “audit potential.” Taxpayers with Korean-, Armenianor Filipino-sounding names were allegedly more likely to commit tax fraud, since they'd immigrated from corrupt countries where tax fraud was endemic; they likely retained those inclinatio­ns, according to the manager's theory.

Explicit but ill-defined “audit potential” rationaliz­es biases. It also explains disproport­ionately elevated audits of low-income taxpayers. They lack profession­al representa­tion and are thus more easily intimidate­d. Significan­t adjustment­s are therefore possible, with minimal IRS resources. Small businesses are also targeted for similar reasons.

Congress recently began limited efforts to address the federal tax code's long-standing structural biases and to redress wealth and income disparitie­s largely impacting minorities.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and others have proposed the Working Families Tax Relief Fund Act to assist families of color by increasing refundable tax credits for children, including those who don't live with their parents. If passed, the bill would significan­tly help over 16 million people of color.

Changing hearts and minds within the Internal Revenue Service is formidable. But Sen. Brown's proposed legislatio­n, in conjunctio­n with the pandemic relief bill and in contrast to 2017's tax cuts, is a significan­t step to ensure fairness in our tax system for all Americans.

The federal tax code is structural­ly biased. But prejudices within the service also influence tax administra­tion and audits.


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